
Applique Outfit Tutorial

Hi everyone!  I am so excited to be here today.  I’m Kaysi from Keeping it Simple
I am super excited about this boys series.  I have 4 boys, and I am always trying to come up with different things to make for my boys.  It gets hard sometimes, especially when it comes to sewing.  It’s so easy for girls.  
Luckily you can still sew quite a bit for babies :).  
I have been wanting to make a little outfit for my little baby.  The Ribbon Retreat has some of the BEST boy fabric!  
I love it so much, such a great selection.

Applique Outfit Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

I got the Riley Blake Cruiser Blvd line, I absolutely loved the colors and designs.  The amount of fabric depends on what size you need to make.  For the shorts I used about 12″ of the yard and for the applique, I used about 6″ for both.  
Fat quarters would be great for this.
I also got the heat bond paper and elastic at The Ribbon Retreat too. And, I just bought the onesie.  

Baby boy outfit (2)
This is how I made it:

For the shorts, I took a pair of shorts and folded them in half.  Then I placed the side onto the fabric, which is folded.

Baby boy outfit (3)
I cut around the shorts about one inch and then 2 to 3 inches bigger at the top (for the elastic).

Baby boy outfit (4)
I cut two pieces.  Then I placed the front together and then pinned it.  I tried my hardest to align up the stripes.  

Baby boy outfit (5)Baby boy outfit (7)
Next I sewed the crotch together, stopping right before the legs.

Baby boy outfit (8)
I then moved the fabric and matched up the legs.  I pinned it and sewed it together.  Make sure you back stitch a few times right at the crotch, that’s where it wears out quickly.

Baby boy outfit (10)Baby boy outfit (11)
Next I folded the top down and then cut a slit in the back of the shorts.  Then I sewed it at the very bottom.  Next I inserted the elastic, pinning one side onto the shorts so it wouldn’t move.  The measurement is how big your baby’s waist is.  Measure loosely, you don’t want it to be to tight on their little tummies.

Baby boy outfit (12)Baby boy outfit (13)
Once the elastic was through, I put them together and sewed it together.  Make sure not to get the fabric in the front of the shorts.

Baby boy outfit (15)
That’s it for the shorts.  Now for the onesie.
I cut out a piece of fabric and the same size of the heat n bond paper. Then I ironed the fabric onto the rough side of the paper.

Baby boy outfit (17)
Baby boy outfit (18)
I used an electronic cutter to cut the fabric but you can easily do it with scissors too.  I then ironed the shapes onto the onesie. 

Baby boy outfit (19)
Next I sewed the shapes on.  This was the trickiest part, I always end up sewing the onesie together. 🙂

Applique Outfit Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
And that’s it!  A super cute boy outfit!

Applique Outfit Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Isn’t my little boy so cute in it?  

Thanks for having me today!  
I would love it if you would come visit me at Keeping it Simple. I will see you there!

Thank you Kaysi! Beep, Beep…move on over, there is a new cutie in town! This little applique outfit is adorable on the newest addition to your family! I love your fabric choices and your applique design. Thank you for sharing your cute little outfit with us today! For more of Kaysi’s creations, visit her at Keeping it Simple where inspiration and creativity is a daily occurrence.

Kaysi is a wonderful Contributor and has shared some grrrrreat projects with us. Here are a few of her FABulous tutorials…

Circle SkirtLearn how to make a cute circle skirt with pleats and a tulle slip

TieHow to Make a Tie - The look of a regular tie, but so much easier! Super easy project for the boys too! {The Ribbon Retreat}

Ruffle Purse

Square SkirtSquare Skirt Tutorial - So easy and cute for girls! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Aren’t those projects awesome and so fun AND do-able? I love Kaysi’s projects because no matter your sewing level, you can create them! She does such a great job explaining the steps; I know you can do it!

Do you need fabric to complete these great projects? You are in luck, because we have an amazing selection of women’s, kid’s, and holiday fabrics, to name a few. We also have more colors and designs of ribbon you could possibly imagine. Ribbon always adds such a stunning finishing touch to projects…I love it. Come and see all The Ribbon Retreat has to offer you here.
All things crafty arrive here daily, get yours today!

Happy Creating!
Signature - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

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  1. Posted August 19, 2013 at 3:25 am | Permalink

    This is a great idea. I’m thinking a semi-homemade baby shower or first birthday gift! And what a great excuse to add some of the great kid-centered prints to my stash!!

  2. Heidi M
    Posted August 19, 2013 at 6:42 am | Permalink

    Did you machine stitch or hand stitch the design on?

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted August 19, 2013 at 8:41 pm | Permalink

      Hi Heidi! Thank you for your question. Kaysi machine stitched the graphics on. Isn’t this outfit so adorable? Thank you again Heidi! Have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

  3. Posted February 3, 2016 at 3:09 am | Permalink

    nice style
    I love it so much…
    Really enjoy visiting your blog

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