Do you have a toothless wonder running around at your house? Or possibly a little one just waiting for that first visit from the Tooth Fairy? It is always super exciting at our house when a tooth becomes loose and then gets pulled out in fun and creative ways or finally falls out after being loose and is barely hanging on by a thread! Regardless of how many choppers your little one has lost, they are going to be way excited to lose another tooth and place it in one of these adorable Tooth Fairy Pocket Pillows the lovely Mary, from Little Mama Bowtique, is sharing with us today! I mean…I think I might just want to lose a tooth so I can have one of these fun pillows all my own! Hehe! Enjoy this fun pillow and just try not to be excited to give one of them to a little peep in your house, to a neighbor, neice/nephew or just about anyone!
Hi all! Mary back from Little Mama Bowtique with a fun tutorial that you can make for BOTH the little girls and boys in your life!! That’s right folks, something cute and for boys too….wait for it….tooth fairy pillows!! My wonderful clients are always coming up with something new they want or need, so that keeps me always challenging myself, I love how that works! My kids have been watching over my shoulder as I make these and I gave Aiden the “toothie monster” one you will see in this tutorial, he was pretty tickled over it.
Supplies you will need:
A variety of felt from The Ribbon Retreat (they have lots of fabulous colors to choose from!)
Fabric Marker
A bit of fabric (Two pieces 9×11 inches or two pieces 10×10 inches approximately), a couple additional scraps for the boy version
Sewing machine
Polyfil stuffing
I will start off with the girl version first. Start off by tracing a tooth a shape onto white felt and cut out. I believe the template I used measured about 5 in long and 4 in wide. You of course could free hand this if you are so talented, but I myself can’t draw a cirlce!
Cut out black small circles, a wedge for a smiley mouth, and pink circles for the cheeks. I was working on an order here so I was doubling up and also showing you two versions!
Hand stitch these details on with matching thread. I made the eyelashes with just the black thread I used to stitch on the felt details, overlapping a few times to make the lashes stand out a bit.
Well if you know anything about me by now is that if this is a girl tooth then it needs a bow (duhhhh!). I select the bow color based on the fabric of the pillow, in this case a blue and pink were needed. Cut a rectangle of felt about 3 in wide and 2 in high. Stitch down the middle and pull to gather the bow. Attach to the upper left hand side of the tooth.
I cut my two fabric pieces for my pillow 9 in long and 11 in wide, you certainly could make these smaller if you prefer. I don’t know what really made me come up with these measurements, however you can use both small and larger prints with this measurement! Center your tooth and stitch onto one of your pillow pieces. Looking back a zig zag stitch would have given this a more polished look, but a straight stitch does the job. Start at about the eye level of the tooth and stitch to the other eye. Do not stitch the top of the tooth as it is our pocket for teeth and tooth fairy goodies!
Cut a length of ribbon, about 10 inches long will do and pin print down to the tooth side if one sided ribbon. Despite what you see in the picture, do as I say, not as I do! I was having a tired mom moment and didn’t realize until I inverted it all that I had placed print ribbon backwards, so the handy dandy seam ripper came out to save the day and I fixed it.
Top this with other piece of pillow fabric, print side down. Pin and sew around using about ½ inch seam and leave about a 2-3 inch opening to turn pillow out through. Clip excess fabric on corners and turn right side out. Press cotton fabric portions with a hot iron.
Next step is to stuff our pillow with polyfill until it holds a pillow shape well, no need to over stuff on this, but you want it to hold it’s shape. Stitch opening with a invisible stitch, if you aren’t familiar with this there is an awesome tutorial HERE! That’s it, you are done, just find your closest little girl with a wiggly tooth now!!
For the boy version, now we simply could do the above version, take off the bow, take off the cute cheeks, and put it on some boy fabric, right? But didn’t we just take away everything cute? I want something just as cute for my son and I know you do too!! So I came up with a “toothie monster” version, equally as cute and much more boy friendly!
We need to start off with making the monsters face with a circle and a pocket for his mouth/tooth pouch. I used a container of oatmeal for a circle to trace onto my felt, I wanted about a 5 in. monster face. You can make the pocket about halfish the size.
Pin the pocket onto the circle and trim any extra felt that doesn’t line up.
Cut three teeth out of white felt. Line them up making sure the bottoms tuck in just under the top of the pocket. I left a space in the teeth to make it look like the monster lost a tooth, pretty cute right? My son noticed right away and giggled “he lost a tooth!”.
Lift pocket portion away and pin each tooth in place. Zig zag stitch each tooth on with your sewing machine.
For the eye I cut out a circle patch and zig zag stitched on, then used button eyes that I hand sewed on.
I wanted to give my monster some ears so I cut out some ear like shapes out of felt and slightly smaller versions in some fabric to line the ears. Gather the ends of the ears in and stitch to hold the gather, I did this with a few hand stitches.
I cut two pieces of 10 by 10 inch fabric for the pillow. My son loves orange so you may notice a lot of orange here. Center your monster face onto one piece of the fabric and pin down. For the ears I pinned them from the ear instead of from the head.
Zig zag stitch all away around the circle.
Cut a length of ribbon about 12 in long and pin down. If your ribbon is single sided printed then make sure you put the print side down so it is right side up when it hangs.
Place your other piece of pillow fabric on top print side down. Pin and sew all the way around using about a ½ inch seam. Leave about a 2-3 inch opening in your stitches so you can turn the pillow right side out. Clip your excess fabric on corners before turning right side out.
Once you have turned right side out, press with a hot iron on the cotton fabric portions.
Stuff your pillow with polyfill until it holds a pillow shape and sew shut using an invisible seam. If you are not familiar with this method there is a great tutorial HERE.
Now your toothie monster is ready to hang on a bedroom door or bed! I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and making your very own tooth fairy pillow! Thanks for joining me!
Mary…seriously, how stinkin’ cute are those pillows? The tooth ones are so fun and that monster is adorable! I am lovin’ those fun pockets and know a handful, plus some, kiddos that would love to lose a tooth just to get to use one of those pillows and have a sweet goodie exchange made in that convenient little pocket by none other than the Tooth Fairy!
Thank you for sharing this great tutorial with us today! You are so very talented, and we love having you share your incredible talent with us!
Are you in love with this fun project just perfect for kids? Me too! Here are a few more projects perfect for those cute kids and for their mamas too!
Get all of your kid friendly project supplies right here at The Ribbon Retreat! From ribbon to tulle, burlap and more…we have it ALL! Come visit us HERE!
This is a realy, cute idea
I love it thanks.
Hi Melody! You are so welcome! I am glad you love this fun pillow. Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂
I love the Tooth Fairy pocket. SO much easier than trying to hide something under a sleeping child’s head! It’s one of those idea’s where you smack yourself on your forehead and say “what was I thinking??” Great idea. While my kids are now older, I think I’ll use your idea of the kid designed Monster! I leave a gift sack at for our guests at our vacation rentals for the parents, but lately I’ve been trying to include something for the kids to do, especially if the weather during their visit turns rainy. This would be great to leave in a large zip lock bag with supplies and instructions. Thanks so much – this is wonderful!
Hi Kim! Thank you so much for sharing! Good luck making your Monster pillows and good luck with your gift sacks! Have a great day and thank you again! Michelle 🙂
I am going to make this for all 3 of my girls. The best part is, my twins have yet to lose a tooth and my 7 yo still has some to go! I shouldn’t forget the tooth fairy is coming with these adorable tooth pillows! Thank you for sharing your gift of creativity!
Hi Julia! Great idea! Aren’t these pillows so darn cute?!? I am so glad you like them and hope you have so much fun making them for your cute girls! Have a great day and thanks for sharing! Michelle 🙂
where did you find the template for the tooth I cant seem to find one that size, and I can not draw at all!
Hi Leslie!! I just e-mailed you a template that you can use. I hope it helps! 🙂 Happy Crafting and Sewing!!
Thanks for the idea! I just made one of the monster pillows, with a pink & red touch, for my daughter who just lost her first tooth today. It was really quite easy to do with scraps of material I already had in the house.
5 grandchildren=5 toothfairy pillows. Thanks for these darling ideas!