
Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Learn how to create beautiful and fancy hair pieces with this awesome tutorial. This hair piece is perfect for any occasion from a night out on the town to a photo shoot and everything in between. This tutorial is easy and quick and the result is amazing…and all of the supplies are available here.

Hello, my name is Rebeca from Clips N Things. Today I will be showing you how to make a Fancy Flower Hair Piece.

All of the materials I used to make my hair piece are from The Ribbon Retreat.

Here are the items I used:

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Tools to make a Fancy Flower Hair Piece:

Sweet Briar Flower in White
2 pieces of 1 ¼” Felt Circles in White
6” of French Veil Netting in White
1 Pretty Pearls Rhinestone
2 Striped Ostrich Grizzly Feathers
Double Prong Clip
Fold Over Elastic in White
Hot Glue Gun

~Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial~

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
For this project I used a Sweet Briar Flower, but I swapped out the centre for a Pretty Pearls Rhinestone. (You may choose to keep the centre that the Sweet Briar comes with). Cut the thread at the back of the flower that is holding the centre beads together. This will also make your petals come loose, so don’t lose the order.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
You will have to glue the petals one by one to secure them. Then add glue to the back of the rhinestone you chose and glue it to the centre of the flower.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Cut out a 6” piece of French Veil Netting and pleat it in the middle by squeezing the middle of the netting in between your fingers.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I stitched the middle of the french veil netting to keep it secure.  Take your first felt circle and apply glue to the top half. Attach the pleated portion of the netting to the glue on the felt circle.

Attach the feathers on top of the netting. I used 2 Ostrich Grizzly Feathers and folded them in half which gave me 4 pieces. However, you can use as many feathers as you would like. The number of feathers you use, will depend on the length you are going for. Apply more glue to the felt circle and attach the flower.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat BlogThis is what the finished product will look like.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat BlogNow you will attach the double prong clip to the hair piece. Before you do any gluing, decide how you want your flower to be angled. Place the netting straight up and down, or at an angle. When you like the placement, flip the hair piece over and attach your clip. I put glue on another felt circle, clamped it between the clip and then glued it to the felt circle that was previously glued to the flower. Now you are done.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Now you can use the Fold Over Elastic to make a headband with a loop and attach the flower to it. The headband is nice for younger kids, but the flower may also be worn alone with the clip.

I love this flower, because adults can use it for fancy events or even weddings.  I have also made this flower for photographers to use for special photo shoots. You can also change up the flower, netting placement or feathers to easily change the look of this fancy flower hair piece.

Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat BlogThis is what it looks like with and without a headband.

Thank you for reading my Fancy Flower Hair Piece Tutorial. I hope you have a chance to try this one out. Don’t forget that you can change up the colour and style of the flower, the colour and placement of the netting and add any accessories you want to it. Have fun and make it your own.

Happy crafting!!!

Isn’t Rebeca amazing? Her Fancy Flower Hair Piece is gorgeous. This hair piece is so versatile and how fun that it has been used in photoshoots. Check out some more fun tutorials from Rebeca and to see more of her custom hair pieces, visit her at Clips N Things. Thank you Rebeca for sharing your talents with us at The Ribbon Retreat and our awesome readers.

The Ribbon Retreat has so many beautiful and fun flowers, crystals & gems, and feathers. We would love you to hop on over to our website and take a look at all The Ribbon Retreat has to offer to you to create anything you can think of.

Happy Creating!!
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