Welcome, welcome YouTube Video viewers!
Today, we are sharing a fabulous brand new video tutorial that is super easy, super cute and totally perfect for little and big heads…a fun headband covered in delightful felt!!! Headbands are a hair accessory that never seem to go out of style! I remember being a little girl and LOVING to wear headbands…you know, the plastic ones with the teeth that were really good at stickin’ you in the head and rubbing behind your ears a little bit! Hehe! Ohhhh, them were the good ol’ days! And although now I am a big girl with a couple of wee ones myself, I still love headbands and would love nothing more than for my little girl, who has a head full of blonde curls that are typically quite unruly and very fluffy, giving her the appearance of a gorgeous lion’s lovely mane, to wear a headband to help add some calmness to those crazy cute curls. However, she feels quite differently about the curl calming effect/plan and headband idea! She does have one headband that she loves, because it has a flower covered in sequins and a picture of Ariel upon it, that she will wear on occasion but only when Ariel happens to be her favorite princess for a day or two! What about you? Are you a headband fan, or do you happen to have a headband fan at your house?
Well ladies and gents…headband lovers unite! Grab a headband and some of your favorite colored felt and let’s get a craftin’!
Supplies Needed:
Satin Headband
Needle and Thread
Scissors (or rotary cutter and mat)
Hot Glue Gun
Enjoy learning to make this fabulous headband!
Thank you Shirley for once again sharing your incredible talent for creating gorgeous hair accessories, with us! I am loving this fun headband and that purple felt bow and loops! I wonder if I could somehow convince my little girlee to love one of these cute headbands too?!? Maybe I should make a green one…Ariel wears green, right?!?
The thing that makes hair accessories so much fun is that they are so versatile and look incredible made up in any color of felt or even ribbon! You can mix match colors to create a look of your own, or you can surely stay traditional with one uniform color for a simply gorgeous eye catching look! However you create your hair accessories, have fun and remember the sky is the limit!
Not only do I love headbands and other cute hair accessories, but I love our video tutorials as well. I find myself starting and stopping each video tutorial, I watch, multiple times to ensure I am getting the steps down perfectly so that I can achieve the same gorgeous look I am watching being taught! You are sure to love all of our video tutorials too. You can find them all on our fabulous YouTube Channel that is full of videos teaching hair bows, headbands, ribbon sculptures, tutus and so much more! Find all of those videos and our fun YouTube Channel HERE!
Need a quick preview of some of the fabulous videos you will find on our channel? Here are a few of our favorites, that you are also sure to love!
The Ribbon Retreat has all of the supplies you will need to create all of the projects found in our video tutorials. We carry a great variety of felt colors as well as every color of ribbon you can imagine and design or print too. If you love ribbon, embellishments, notions, flowers, BLING, hardware, or any other crafty supply, make sure to visit our online store where you will find weekly sales and specials and so much more! Find our one stop crafty shop HERE!