
Floral Bib Necklace Tutorial

Some of my favorite pieces of jewelry are those that are one of a kind and make a definite statement. I love to allow them to dress up a casual outfit and take that casual outfit up two or three notches on the dressiness scale. Today, Cherie is sharing a beautiful statement necklace that is created out of gorgeous pre-made flowers and ribbon that will turn your casual attire into a trendy outfit in no time! Yep, it’s as easy as that and looks absolutely stunning when you are all done! You can make one or you can make twenty with all of the different color combos you can create! Enjoy!

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I’m excited to share another jewelry post with you! I have a little secret too! I have two more after this! A girl MUST accessorize! It’s always nice to make your own one of a kind piece that expresses your own unique personality.

There truly is no end to the fun things you can make with The Ribbon Retreat’s amazing flowers! I use them so much in my daughter’s hair, but I thought I would show you that they don’t just have to be for little girls.  This project is easy and inexpensive and really makes a statement!

7/8″ Ribbon
Hot Glue
Stretchy Ring Base

Flower Button
Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
First arrange the flowers how you want them to go.

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Glue the flowers to some felt.

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Trim the felt.

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Glue the 7/8″ ribbon to the felt.  Fold the ribbon and glue it down so that it will lay flat. It’s not the prettiest, but it is the back after all!

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
It looks good from the front!

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
A cute and fun accessory for all!

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
And because it’s so fun to have coordinating pieces…make a ring to match! Glue a flower to a stretchy ring base with E6000 and secure the flower with a clothespin while it dries.

Take a look at all the flowers we have available and envision the necklace you would make!

Thank you Cherie for another adorable and one of a kind piece of jewelry! I love to accessorize my outfits and this gorgeous Floral Bib Necklace is so, so cute. I can’t wait to make a few for myself and some for my cute sisters too! They will love them!

With Mother’s Day coming right up, can you imagine how excited the lovely mothers in your life would be if they opened up a gorgeous and heart felt necklace just like the one Cherie shared today? The special ladies in my life would love them! Here are a few more fabulous necklace tutorials that you and those special ladies will love!

Rose Resin Ring and Bracelet - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Ribbon Cuff Bracelets - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Wired Ribbon Flower - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
The Ribbon Retreat has such an amazing selection of flowers, ribbon, gems, resins and so much more that will make your jewelry making a breeze. You can embellish and accessorize everything in sight and every project on your to do list with all that we have to offer! Make sure to check out all of our supplies and products for all of your crafty needs HERE!

Floral Bib Necklace - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy Creating & Happy Flower Necklaces!
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  1. Dionne Lipscomb
    Posted April 20, 2015 at 12:14 pm | Permalink

    Very cute ideas and so easy!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted April 20, 2015 at 2:39 pm | Permalink

      Hi Dionne! Thank you so very much! Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by! Michelle 🙂

  2. Pat C.
    Posted April 21, 2015 at 10:12 am | Permalink

    Wow!! I just love this necklace! It’s so versatile… it can dress up a plain tee and, perhaps with different flower choices and a switch to satin ribbon, it would also be the perfect accessory for a classic sheath dress. Thank you , Cherie, for sharing this fun idea! xoxo

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted April 27, 2015 at 11:29 am | Permalink

      Hi Pat! Thank you! Isn’t this fun necklace just awesome?!? I am so glad you like it, and I love your idea for making it with different flowers and ribbon for a more classic look. Have a great day and thank you again Pat! Michelle 🙂

  3. Posted April 23, 2015 at 4:28 am | Permalink

    Nice and more creative necklace. These Necklaces are looking attractive and too trendy.

    If your more collection of ribbons and flowers please make a visit on BBCRAFTS….

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted April 27, 2015 at 11:26 am | Permalink

      Thank you Michael! I am so glad you like this adorable necklace! Have a great day! Michelle 🙂

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