
Flower Accessories

Bubs took a two hour nap.


Do you know what you can do in two hours? It’s crazy! I am looking forward to this one nap a day thing more and more!

During these two hours, I was able to make some accessories for my cute interchangeable flip flops.

What do you think?!

Flower Accessories - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

These yellow flowers are SO easy to make! Just a little fabric and a glue gun and go!

I seriously fell in love with my glue gun making these. Having a good glue gun makes ALL the difference. She didn’t even burn my finger more than five times. 🙂

You can use any fabric to make these cute flowers. I wanted to follow the tutorial on Make It and Love It, so I used an old t-shirt from college to make these bright yellow ones. These are perfect for scraps. After making something awesome from The Ribbon Retreat, use your scraps to make some flowers. These would look cute in hair, as a flower broach (is that what they’re called?), as a ring, or on some cute flip flops!

Flower Accessories - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Flower Accessories - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I also fell in love with these flowers from V & Co. I HAD to make some.

Unfortunately, they aren’t really great for small ribbon. I didn’t want to make a huge one for my flip flops so I used 5/8″ Double Face Satin Jade Blue. Super cute, huh? I had to work the flower petals a little differently to make them work, and they look good, if I may say so myself. I do have some rich brown Double Face Satin ribbon to make a big flower corsage just like the ones in the tutorial.

This flower took me quite awhile to do. (Although, I enjoyed every minute since I was spending it with my new glue gun, I just get giddy with her!) I only could make one before Bubs woke up from his nap.

Gorgeous, isn’t it?

Flower Accessories - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Flower Accessories - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

The only bad part of the day was that it started out sunny, and by the time I was done making my super cute accessories, it was raining. 🙁

I didn’t get to wear my flip flops that day. But don’t worry!

My frown turned upside down, and I smiled ALL the day, when I got this in the mail!

Yummy fabric from The Ribbon Retreat! Isn’t it to die for?

This is what is going to become two super cute skirts and fabric posies to match.

I can’t wait to get started!

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