
How to make a bow using the GlueGlider PRO

How To Make A Bow Using The Glueglider Pro - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Isn’t this bow so cute?  This is a bow I actually like to wear in my hair.  It is simple yet fun.  The ribbon I used: 1″  brown/pink/mint fashion dots for the base bow, 7/8″ hot pink for the top bow and 3/8″ mint for the center.  The button came from my paradise button jar.  I made this bow almost entirely with the GlueGlider Pro.  The only thing I used hot glue for was the button and  the barrette.  I could have lined a single prong clip with the GlueGlider Pro but I wanted this bow to be on a barrette.  The GlueGlider PRO is a really cool thing to have around!  I love using it to glue two ribbons together for the double sided look.  The applicator dispenses a very sticky double sided tape.  It goes on very smoothly and I really like the fact that you can still fold the ribbon after you have glued it.  When using a glue gun you can’t fold after you have glued.



Take your 1″ ribbon and cut it to 6″.  Seal the edges with your preferred method.  Use your GlueGlider PRO to put a strip of double sided tape on the edge of the wrong side of the ribbon.

Take the other end of the ribbon and loop it around forming a circle.  The right side of the other end of the ribbon will go on top of the tape.  Press down on the tape to make it secure. 

Take your 7/8″ ribbon and cut it to 5″.  Repeat the process above with your 7/8″ ribbon.

Put a little strip of tape on the inside seam of your ribbon loop (as shown above) and press the top of the loop down to the tape.  Make sure both sides are even.

This is what your ribbon should look like after you press the top of the loop down.  Repeat this process with your 7/8″ ribbon loop. 

Put some tape on your 1″ ribbon (which is now your base bow).

Attach your 7/8″ ribbon to the base bow.

Cut your 3/8″ ribbon to 2 1/2″ and seal with your perferred method.  Wrap your 3/8″ ribbon around the center and secure with your GlueGlider PRO.  Glue to a barrette or clip.

How To Make A Bow Using The Glueglider Pro - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Add a button if you want to and you are done!  So simple!

How To Make A Bow Using The Glueglider Pro - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

She wasn’t to sure about sitting on those bricks 🙂  Learn how to make this cute ribbon skirt too!

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  1. Posted May 25, 2011 at 7:31 pm | Permalink

    So cute!! I have tried the GlueGlider PRO, to lines alligator clips with ribbon, but the ribbon came so easily out. You know why?

    • Cherie
      Posted May 25, 2011 at 8:31 pm | Permalink

      What kind or ribbon did you use? Grosgrain works best, but I do agree that it’s not quite as strong as hot glue. So great for gluing ribbon together though!

  2. Tan
    Posted May 26, 2011 at 9:26 pm | Permalink

    Aww she’s soo cute.I love her whole outift.Thanks for the tut 🙂

  3. bunngirl81
    Posted February 11, 2012 at 6:35 pm | Permalink

    So excited to learn how to finally make bows myself instead of buying them from others! Love this one! Its a bit small for my 7 1/2 year old but will be perfect soon for my 13 month old!

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