
How To Make A Love Bug Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday

How To Make A Love Bug Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Welcome, welcome! It’s YouTube Thursday, and we are so glad you are here to see this adorable, with a capital
A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E, Love Bug Ribbon Sculpture! Seriously…this little ribbon sculpture is just about too cute for words…so, let’s get this party started and learn how to make our own stunning little bug! With all the love in the air, this cute love bug is just in time to add to your Valentine’s Day attire!


Three different 3/8″ Ribbons
Korker Ribbon
Lined Clip
Hot Glue Gun

Moonstoon Dazzle Light Pink Sherbet Mini Dots French Pink
Love is in the Air button
Enjoy this great video tutorial and this sweet ribbon sculpture!

Thank you Shirley! What a fun video and cute, cute, cute bug! I am not a huge fan of bugs or creepy crawly things, but this is one bug I wouldn’t mind hanging with! It is so cute and so perfect for the holiday of love. Attach this bug to a headband, brooch pin or just clip it to your hair and enjoy the company of this
Valentine’s Day inspired Love Bug!

Just like this amazing video tutorial, The Ribbon Retreat has a great library of other fabulous video tutorials full of lovely bows, fun ribbon sculptures, pretty flowers and so many more craft projects that can be found on our YouTube Channel! Check out our channel right HERE. These videos are easy to follow and really, really fun to watch and learn from! While you are there, you can subscribe to our channel so you don’t ever miss a video tutorial by us again…and please give us a big thumbs up so we know you stopped by!

Here are a few of the great videos you will find there, and that we are sure you will love…

How To Make A Five Petal Flower, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How To Make A Scrappy Braided Flower, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How to Make A Ribbon Cuff Bracelet, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Are you ready to make all of these fun projects? Whether you are creating everyday hair bows or crafts or a special hair accessory or home decor piece for an upcoming holiday or special event, The Ribbon Retreat has all you need to complete those projects to perfection! Make sure to visit our one stop crafty shop today!

Happy Creating & Happy Ribbon Sculptures!
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