
How to Make An Angel Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday

How To Make An Angel Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
We all have a sweet angel, or two, in our lives, and today we are going to celebrate them with a fun ribbon sculpture that is just as sweet as your little, or big, angels. Even though, my little girlee and I are outnumbered by boys in our house, I still consider all of my kiddos, boys or girl, my little angels. However, my daughter will sure LOVE and appreciate this fun ribbon sculpture much more than my boys will! What about you? Do you have a sweet angel you know is sure to love this fun ribbon sculpture?

What do you say we kick off this fabulous YouTube Thursday right away and get right to the video?

The supplies you will need to make your own Angel Ribbon Sculpture are:

3/8″ White Grosgrain Ribbon
(Shirley used the Dazzle Grosgrain)
1/8″ White Grosgrain
1/8″ Yellow Korker Ribbon
3/8″ Gold Glitter Ribbon
3/8″ Light Ivory Grosgrain Ribbon
Marabou Puff
Lined Clip
Needle and Thread
Hot Glue Gun

White Dazzle White 1.8 inch Yellow Korker Gold Glitter Light Ivory Grosgrain Marabou Puff White
Angel Ribbon Sculpture
Enjoy this fun video and this stunning little angel!

Thank you Shirley! Isn’t that angel so adorable? I love that you can attach her on a lined clip, a headband or even a brooch pin for a fun and festive accessory. She would make a lovely teacher, friend, co-worker, neighbor, or just because gift for someone special. And…what about that Marabou Puff? Ooooo, so so sweet and of course ADORABLE! Who doesn’t love an angel atop a fluffy white cloud?

I just can’t get enough of the shimmery and glittery ribbon! That beautiful dazzle and shimmer coming off of the angel’s gown is stunning and those wings are gorgeous. The Ribbon Retreat has a huge selection of dazzle, glitter and even sequin ribbon for you to choose from for all of your crafting needs. We also carry a large array of rich or subtle colors to enhance and beautify your creations. Make sure to check out all of our ribbon and other supplies HERE!

Thank you for joining us today for another brand new and amazing YouTube video! We LOVE our YouTube Thursdays, and we love crafting video style. We have a whole YouTube Channel dedicated to making incredible and eye catching accessories for your hair and other fun, fun crafts. Want to take a peek at that wonderful channel? No problem. You can find all of our videos right HERE in one easy and convenient place. You will find fabulous videos on hair bows, headbands, flowers, tutus, etc. etc.! Our channel is chuck full of top of the line crafts! Make sure to check it out, subscribe and give us a big thumbs up!

Here are a few of the videos you will find while visiting our channel…

How To Use Silly Grips, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How To Make A Snowman Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How To Make A Rosette with Vintage Ribbon, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Happy Creating & Happy YouTube Thursdays!
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