Can you believe it is Thursday again? I seriously can’t believe how fast time flies….of course when you have as much as we do, time flying is an understatement!
I am so excited for today’s video. I am a lover of Ric Rac. I think it is a FABulous trim/embellishment and a great way to dress something up and add a little extra flair! Ric Rac is fun to work with and comes in multiple sizes…1/2″, 3/4″, Jumbo and Mega. AND…did you know you can even get Ric Rac Grograin?
So what do you say, we learn how to turn this super cute trim into a gorgeous little flower. Join Shirley as she teaches us how to make a Ric Rac Flower.
All you need is a couple of supplies to make these fun flowers right along with Shirley:
1-2 yards 3/4″ Ric Rac
2 Felt Circles
Needle and Thread
Button or Gem
Hot Glue Gun
Snap Clip or Headband
What a fun and easy flower to make! The Ric Rac is so easy to work with and looks amazing when all done rolled up into this flower! You could also add this flower to a brooch pin and dress up a bag, scarf, coat or your favorite shirt. And since the luckiest holiday around is coming right up…grab some of our gorgeous green ric rac and make a sweet little St. Patrick’s Day brooch to keep all of those pinching fingers away!
If you love this video and would love to see the written tutorial for this exact flower, check out our awesome tutorial HERE.
Thanks for stopping by for our YouTube Thursday and don’t forget…you can get all of the supplies for this fun flower right here at The Ribbon Retreat…your one stop crafty shop!
Make sure you don’t miss out on any of our FABulous videos by subscribing to our Ribbon Retreat YouTube Channel. You will be the first to know whenever a brand new video is uploaded and the first to create our incredible bows, headbands, and much much more!
Happy Creating & Happy Videos!