
How To Make A Spider Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday

They’re creepy and crawly and sometimes super scary! Can you guess what I am talking about? Yep, you guessed it…Spiders! Eeeeekkkkk! However, no need to fear because today we are celebrating spiders, but…only the cute ones!

How To Make A Spider Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Welcome to YouTube Thursday where we get crafty video style! Today, I am so excited about this video and the super cute spider ribbon sculpture we are going to learn how to create! I don’t necessarily love spiders, seems how I have a husband that REALLY doesn’t love them at all, therefore, making me the official designated spider squisher, so I am so thrilled that there will be no squishing today! And, let’s face it…who doesn’t love this cute spider?

This spider is perfect for your Halloween festivities and can be worn in your hair for a spooky companion or on your top, jacket or scarf for a creepy accessory. Are you ready to make this fun arachnid?


1/8″ Black Grosgrain Ribbon
1/8″ Black Grosgrain Korker Ribbon
Black Ribbon Lined Clip
1/4″ Orange Ribbon for bow
Googly Eyes
Needle and Thread
Hi-Temp Glue Gun

Black 1.8 inch Spider Orange Grosgrain
Enjoy the show and making your new 8 legged friend!

Isn’t that little guy fabulous?!? I love this little googly eyed spider, and I am pretty sure I will be making a couple of these creepy crawly creatures for my kiddo’s teachers for Halloween! They will love them and love wearing them on that frightful Halloween day and night! Ooooooooooo!

Are you already crafting for Halloween? Before you get completely done, make sure to check out these other super fun and festive video tutorials featuring the cutest ribbon sculptures and bow, perfect for your Halloween festivities!

How To Make A Pumpkin Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How To Make A Ghost Ribbon Sculpture, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How To Make A Funky Loops Bow, YouTube Thursday - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Guess what…we have tons more awesome video tutorials that you are going to love if you enjoyed watching and learning from today’s video and the other spoooooky Halloween video tutorials as well. To view all of our incredible videos, make sure to check out our YouTube Channel right HERE! You can even subscribe to our channel too, so you won’t ever miss one of our videos again!

Happy Creating & Happy YouTube Thursday!
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