
New…YouTube Thursdays!

Pause the Bag Lady Series for one quick second…because I have a wonderful and super exciting announcement to make!!!

New YouTube Thursdays! - The Ribbon Retreat BlogToday I am so excited to introduce, to you, a brand new happening at The Ribbon Retreat Blog….YouTube Thursdays! Every Thursday we are going to bring you a BRAND NEW, top of the line video fresh off the press. These videos are going to inspire and motivate you to create!

All of us learn in many different ways. Some by reading instructions, others by going out there and trying new things hands on, and others learn by grabbing the required tools and creating while being instructed visually. Because of all of these different learning styles, we wanted to appeal to all of our readers and not only teach you how to create gorgeous bows, super adorable bags (wink, wink and give it up for all the bag ladies in the house!!!) and other cute and creative crafts by written instruction, but by visual instruction as well. SO…our terrific Shirley has been a busy worker bee creating some brand new videos just for you!

So what do you say we get started with YouTube Thursday????
Our first video is How To Make A Ruffled Ribbon Flower. You will be able to create this fun flower in just over 3 minutes with the end result being a trendy new flower to wear in your hair, attach to a clip or headband, to use as a brooch for that winter coat or to place wherever you need a cute little accessory to jazz up your day! Enjoy!

All of the supplies needed to create this fun flower can be found right here at The Ribbon Retreat. We have a wonderful selection of ribbon in printed, dotted, holiday, solid and satin grosgrain, TRR designs found only at The Ribbon Retreat and much much more!

For more video tutorials check out our Ribbon Retreat YouTube Channel. They are awwwwesome too…but you’ll have to wait until next Thursday to see our newest YouTube video. Hehe!

Happy YouTube Thursday and don’t forget to check back next week as Shirley shares with us another FABulous video!

Happy Creating & Happy Thursday!
Signature - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

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  1. Ruth Blenkinsop
    Posted January 9, 2014 at 6:09 am | Permalink

    What a fab tutorial so simple and so beautiful. Cant wait to give it a go.

    • Posted January 9, 2014 at 11:05 am | Permalink

      Hi Ruth! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment! Have so much fun trying this fun flower and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

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