
Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath

Have you heard the amazing news about the beautiful brand new felt, by the yard, that The Ribbon Retreat is now carrying? This felt is so awesome and comes in 38 amazing colors. To showcase this new fun product at TRR, Melanie and Steffany from Find it, Make it, Love it are sharing a patriotic wreath featuring the bold red, white and navy colors. This wreath is spectacular and screams Happy 4th of July! Enjoy!

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Hi Ribbon Retreat fans! It’s Melanie from Find it, Make it, Love it where my sister in law Steffany and I blog about all kinds of crafty things from kids projects to furniture refinishing. Today, we are so excited to share this patriotic felt petal wreath with you! It brings together two things Steffany and I love: the 4th of July and wreaths! This wreath is not only super cute, but it’s inexpensive and so EASY!

Here’s all you need to make one of your own:

  • 12 inch foam wreath form
  • Two red and two white felt pieces (from The Ribbon Retreat)
  • One navy blue felt piece (from The Ribbon Retreat)
  • About 72 boutonniere pins
  • Patriotic ribbon for hanging (also from The Ribbon Retreat)

(It takes about a yard of fabric total to make the wreath, so two of both red and white and one navy should be plenty of felt. 🙂

Patriotic Felt

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
First step is to cut the felt into 4 x 4 inch squares. We used a rotary cutter and mat.

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Cut all three colors into squares.

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Now it’s time to assemble the wreath!

Take one square, fold it corner to corner, then fold the two far corners into the bottom corner (see picture below:). Use a boutonniere pin to attach each felt petal to the wreath form. Layer them so they just overlap the pin from the previous petal.

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
We found it best to pin down one row at a time starting in the center of the wreath form. Alternate 2 red, and 2 white and then a section of 6 blue. We chose to use pins over hot glue for a few reasons; pins are seriously faster, they don’t burn your fingers, and they don’t leave glue strings everywhere. Of course, you could use hot glue if you prefer. 🙂

Here is one row complete:

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Now for the next row, place a felt petal in between each center row petal as shown in the picture below.

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Continue around the entire wreath until you have two complete rows.

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Last, add a row of petals around the inside of the wreath. We placed one petal between every two petals around the inside row.

Now it’s done! So easy right? And so very pretty!

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Add a piece of ribbon for hanging with hot glue or pins. We used 3 pins to attach the ribbon to the back of the wreath.

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

We sure love how this wreath turned out! Very simple and classic and perfect for summer! To see a burlap version of this wreath click HERE. We’d love you to stop by and check out our other crafty goodness over at Find it, Make it, Love it. Thank you to the Ribbon Retreat for having us! We hope you have a great summer day!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Ladies! You are both so crazy talented, and I absolutely LOVE the way you showcased our brand new felt in this fun and festive wreath! I am in love with how super easy this wreath is and how quickly you could create one or two or ten for every holiday and special occasion! I absolutely adore wreaths as well, so am so excited to try this brand new technique for creating a gorgeous and eye catching wreath! This felt wreath is stunning, as is your burlap wreath! Yummmmmo! Thank you again Melanie and Steffany for sharing this fun, fun wreath! For more fabulous craft projects by this dynamic crafting duo make sure to stop by their blog, Find it, Make it, Love it.

I just can’t get enough of wreaths! They are so fun, and I absolutely LOVE them! Here are a few more wreaths for all of my fellow wreath lovers out there! All of these wreaths are also super easy and super fast to whip together! And although most of them are holiday specific…you can easy create them to go with any holiday with a little change up in ribbon and the other crafty supplies used to create them!

Burlap Bubble Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Looped Ribbon Birthday Photo Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Wreaths are so much fun to make and to display! Get all of your wreath making supplies right here at The Ribbon Retreat! We have ribbon, felt, burlap, flowers, and so much more for you to create your very own wreath with! Find all of the above supplies and more HERE!

Patriotic Felt Petal Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy Creating & Happy Wreaths!
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  1. Pat C.
    Posted June 8, 2015 at 3:10 pm | Permalink

    I love your wreath, Melanie and Steffany… it’s so original! It looks boutique-y chic-y (making up words is one of my favorite activities – hehe), but it doesn’t look difficult to make–thanks to your detailed instructions–and the supplies are certainly affordable. Your patriotic wreath certainly was a festive way to showcase TRR’s new line of felt!

    And, Michelle, I looooove the new felt!! I enjoy making felt flowers for hair clips and brooches, but the felt in chain craft stores leaves a lot to be desired, and I’ve given up on it. Your felt looks as if it has a nice “drape” (if that word can even be used to describe craft felt!), and is uniform throughout, without those dreaded see-through patches that I despise so much. And the pieces are a convenient size to work with in creating hair accessories and many other craft projects… yay!! xoxo

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted June 23, 2015 at 3:00 pm | Permalink

      Hi Pat! Oooooo, Pat…you have got to try it! You are going to love our felt. It is so awesome! Thanks Pat! Have a great day! Michelle 🙂

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