
Petticoat Posy

Did you see my Independence Day post? I made this way cute Petticoat Posy to match my little guy for church.

Petticoat Posy - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

There are a lot of different ways to make this Posy and each one is really cute. Because I was wearing mine to church, I didn’t want it to be too big and deal with my son pulling on it the whole time.

Other ways you can make it different is by what you choose to put in the middle or if you leave it scrunched up. You can choose any type of fabric, as well as tulle or netting, and it would look really cute! You can make them really puffy or leave them flat like I did.

Petticoat Posy - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

For my center, I didn’t have any buttons or gems or anything. I decided to make a bunch of knots in some white ribbon and glue them together into the center.
I think it turned out pretty good.

Petticoat Posy - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

One of the things that is suggested to use when making a Posy is Fray Check. I didn’t use it and was shedding all over myself, my baby, and my hubby all through church. I am going to get some soon! You can buy it from The Ribbon Retreat HERE.

I love how mine turned out and I can’t wait to try a bunch of different fabrics. The awesome thing about these instructions is that they’re in an e-book, so you don’t have to wait for it to ship! You get it almost immediately!

You can use these for decorations, hair styles, clothing accessories, any where you’d like a flower, these would be perfect! To find it on the website, click HERE.

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One Comment

  1. Posted July 9, 2010 at 11:17 am | Permalink

    WOW!!! Your site is amazing! I cannot believe how completely creative and crafty you are! Soooo much fun!!! Everything is waaaaay cute!

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