Shimmery, shiny satiny goodness is one way to describe today’s stunning accessory! I say accessory, because this gorgeous flower is the ultimate accessory and can be placed on a clip or headband for a lovely hair accessory, or placed on a pin for a unique and eye catching embellishment on your favorite bag, or even hot glued to a mat and put in an open frame as a Spring and Summer decoration for your home that is cheery and bright and fresh! This beautiful flower has it all and can be used or displayed in several ways. But, if you know me, you know the best part about this Satin Ribbon Dahlia is that it is easy to make and easy on a girl’s crafty budget! Enjoy this beeeautiful flower by the talented Shirley!
This simple Satin Ribbon Dahlia is just gorgeous! And you’ll love how easy it is to make. Use it as a hair accessory, on a headband, on pillows, on clothing, whatever you can think of! The Ribbon Retreat carries tons and tons of different colors and sizes of Satin Ribbon. Just think of the possibilities! 🙂
2 yards 1 1/2″ Satin Ribbon (use any size for smaller or larger flowers)
Coordinating Gem – I used the Fashion Pearl
Needle and Thread
Felt Circle
Hot Glue Gun
If you haven’t yet, cut your ribbon to 2 yards. Cut it longer for a bigger flower. Make sure to seal your ends.
Now take your needle and thread and do a “ZIG ZAG” running stitch until you run out of thread. You’ll want a pretty good amount of thread. Make sure to double it with a good knot at the end.
Here’s a close up of how I do my stitches. You can see my needle and how it goes in the ribbon to get the amount of stitches I want.
When you get to the end of the thread, then we will start gathering the ribbon. Pull on the thread and push the ribbon towards the beginning. Do this carefully so you don’t break the thread.
When you’re done, continue stitching on the ribbon again. When you run out of thread, gather the ribbon, and keep stitching and gathering until you get to the end of the ribbon.
You can do this as tight or as loose as you’d like.
When you have the ruffle exactly the way you want it, tie off the thread by stitching through the end a few times and making a couple knots.
Now twist the ribbon into a flower form. Glue every so often so it will all stay together as you are rolling it.
Then just add a dab of glue to your gem and place it in the center of your Satin Ribbon Dahlia! So pretty!
You can attach this flower to your preference. Since we are using a felt circle to secure the back of the flower, I just slid the clip in before gluing the felt circle to the flower. You open up the clip, slide the felt circle in, then put glue all along the felt circle and place it on the back of the flower. All finished!
I hope you love this Satin Ribbon Dahlia as much as I do! It totally makes a statement and is gorgeous!
~ Shirley ~
Thank you Shirley and gorgeous is exactly right! That satin ribbon is so shiny and that gem is simply stunning! And that ribbon color is awwwwesome! Everything about this flower accessory is incredibly lovely! Thank you for sharing your fabulous talent for turning a single piece of ribbon into something tremendous!
I am often left speechless at how a simple piece or pieces of ribbon can be transformed into something absolutely exquisite, just like today’s Satin Ribbon Dahlia! This flower is so fabulous and so pretty! Here are a few other incredible creations that are constructed out of a single piece of ribbon or ric rac or felt and then magically transformed into a gorgeous accessory!
Whether it’s a flower, a hair bow, a ribbon sculpture or something completely different, The Ribbon Retreat has everything you need to construct your perfect accessory! You will love our selection of ribbon, gems, tulle, ric rac and so much more! We have the most amazing selection of colors and sizes of all of the above to fit your project perfectly! Make sure to visit our online store to get your crafty goodies today! You can find us HERE!
Hi Verena! Thank you and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂
Awesome stunning perfect. Thanks for sharing and excellent instructions. A+++