
Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

You will love how easy and cute this Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial is! It’s perfect for the winter season!

Hi again, Ribbon Retreat readers!! It’s me, Ashley from Sweet Mama J’s Boutique.

I love winter, and I love love snowmen!! I am SO excited to share with you a fun Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial today!!

Let’s gather our supplies and get started with the Snowman Ribbon Sculpture:
(Remember all of your supplies can be purchased here at The Ribbon Retreat!
just click the links.)

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I used:

1/4″ Solid Grosgrain Ribbon in White
(1) 1.5″ length
(2) 2″ lengths
(2) 2.5″ lengths
(1) 3″ length
Lined alligator clip

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Place a small dot of glue on one of the ends of your 1.5″ length of ribbon.
Make a circle and secure your other end in the glue.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

To make sure there is a tight hold, I squeeze my ends together with a pair of craft needlenose pliers.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Apply a small dot of glue on the seam of your small circle and secure an end of your 2″ length of ribbon in it.

Place a small dot of glue on top of the end that you just secured and secure the other end of your ribbon in that glue.

You will have a double circle, attached on one side, at the seams.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Place a small dot of glue on each ribbon that will touch the alligator clip, and gently press to secure.

If desired (not shown) make a mini bow, using 1/8 inch ribbon and glue on top as a scarf or a bow.

Or you could save your Snowman Ribbon Sculpture to place on top a a cute stacked bow.

Let’s gather the rest of our supplies and get started:

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I used:

Frosty Friends Ribbon Mix
Snowman Ribbon Sculpture
Lined Alligator Clip

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog }

For this Pinwheel Bow, I used the 4″ setting on my bow maker, and then cut the ends into V cuts. (For instructions on a Pinwheel Bow click How to Make Bows.)

Remember to seal any ends that you have with your preferred method. I used Fray Check.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog }

I then made a Twisted Boutique Bow using this tutorial. I wanted a 3.5″ bow, so using the formula, I used a 20″ length of ribbon.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

When my bow was completed, I knew that only the snowman was going on top, so I wanted it to have a finished professional look.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I cut a 1.5″ length of my solid red grosgrain from the Frosty Friends Ribbon mix and applied a small dot of glue to the end.

Secure that end of the ribbon to the back center of your Twisted Boutique Bow.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Apply a small dot of glue to the other end of your ribbon length, wrap the ribbon around your bow and secure that end down directly on top of your first secured end.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

You now have a darling Twisted Boutique Bow.

I used:

21 1/2″ length of Swiss Fun Polka Dot grosgrain in green/red
22 1/2″ length of Solid Grosgrain in red

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

For the last separate layer we are going to make a double layer Twisted Boutique Bow using the same technique as earlier, except we are going to glue it in the middle instead of sew.

Make 2 skinny figure 8s, as shown above, securing the middles with a little dot of glue.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Place a small dot of glue in the middle of your polka dot figure 8 and secure the red figure 8 directly on top of it.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Bring each red edge to the middle and secure firmly with a small dot of glue.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Finish this layer by repeating with the polka dot edges and pressing firmly to secure.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Place a medium size dot of glue on the back of your 3/8″ Twisted Boutique Bows.
Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Layer 3/8″ Twisted Boutique Bow on top of the Pinwheel Bow, making sure to center it properly.

Press firmly to secure.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Repeat process by placing a medium size dot of glue on the back of your Snowman Twisted Boutique Bow.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Layer Snowman Twisted Boutique Bow on top of the 3/8″ Twisted Boutique Bow, making sure to center it properly.
Press firmly to secure.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Place a line of glue on your alligator clip and firmly secure to back of Pinwheel Bow.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

You now have an adorable Snowman Stacked Bow.

Perfect just as it is or you can add your Snowman Ribbon Sculpture to the middle by placing small dots of glue on the edges and gently, but firmly, secure to your bow.

Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Now you are ready to head out and enjoy the season!

Thanks SO much to The Ribbon Retreat for letting me share this fun tutorial with you today!!

Thank you so much Ashley! This Snowman Ribbon Sculpture and Bow Tutorial is so easy, yet will gain a lot of attention for all it’s cuteness! Every little girl would love to have one.

The Ribbon Retreat carries everything you need for bow making! We carry the highest quality ribbon at fantastic prices, awesome shipping, and great customer service. You will love our selection! We have awesome ribbon mixes to help make color coordinating easier, so browse our ribbon mixes by clicking on the link. 🙂

If you love bows, just aren’t sure about making them yet, check out Ashley’s shop, Sweet Mama J’s Boutique for cute bows for your little ones.

Happy Holiday Crafting!

If you are interested in sharing your crafts or bow making skills, we are searching for crafty contributors. If you’re a craft blogger or bow maker who’d like to submit a tutorial of your own, visit our Project Submission Page to see all the details. We love all tutorials, and we make it worth your while! We love our contributors!

Have a great day! ~ Shirley, The Ribbon Retreat Blog Editor

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One Comment

  1. Ginger Overstreet
    Posted November 9, 2014 at 10:12 pm | Permalink

    I enjoy November because that is when the leaves are beautiful.

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