
Thanksgiving Turkey Shirt

Thanksgiving Turkey Shirt - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Gobble, Gobble!

How cute is this applique turkey? I loved this idea just for the sheer fact that used the shape of my son’s hands.

All of the fabric is left over scraps, mostly from my table runner, which featured fabric from the line Awesome by Sandy Gervais for Moda.

I also had some Solid Grosgrain in Red 3/8″ hanging around to use for the wattle (yeah, that’s what it’s called. I looked it up! Somehow I don’t remember ever learning that.)
The 3/8″ was a little wide for the size of my turkey so I cut it in half and burned the newly cut edge.

For the legs, you can use ANYTHING, from ribbon to Ric Rac to fabric. I decided to use some Saddle Stitch Ribbon I had laying around. I used Beige/White in 3/8″. I wanted the look of feet so I tied a knot at the ends.

To make the wattle and the legs stay fastened, I hand stitched the wattle, and machine stitched the legs at the top and bottom of the feet. You could hand stitch the legs very easily. I am just VERY lazy. 🙂

Thanksgiving Turkey Shirt - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I appliqued the eyes and beak to the body. I just cut out circles from black and white fabric for the eyes. You can use googly eyes, but I didn’t have any so I made do.

Thanksgiving Turkey Shirt - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I love how the little turkey turned out, and I can’t wait for my little guy to wear it on Turkey Day! I hope it doesn’t look too girly. I tried my hardest to make it cute for a boy without doing all the colors in blue or green. If it does look girly, oh well, it will be a photo I can show his fiance’ in 25 years. 🙂

This idea came from

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  1. pamela
    Posted November 28, 2013 at 12:18 pm | Permalink

    Love the turkey hand print shirt . Put it on a onesie for my granddaughter

    • Posted November 29, 2013 at 6:01 pm | Permalink

      Hi Pamela! Yay! I bet your little granddaughter looked absolutely adorable in her turkey skirt! Thank you so much for sharing! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Michelle 🙂

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