
Twisted St. Patty’s Day Bow

Twisted St. Patty's Day Bow - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

After my realization that my Twisted Boutique Technique needed help, I decided to do a bow that ONLY had that technique to get some practice in.

These bows are quite an improvement, and I think I still need practice, but at least I am getting better. 🙂

I did both of these Twisted Boutique bows by hand. Since I have a hard time with keeping a tight grip on the bow, I’ve learned it is better for me to not use the bow maker and deal with that transition when taking it off.

The bow measures 4″. I never measure out my ribbon before I start. I keep it on the spool and do a quick run through the bow and then cut. Then I do the bow over again (and over again in this case!) and go from there. You can definitely use the formulas for ribbon length on the TOTT Hair Bow Instructions. Just make sure to use the correct formula for the technique you are using.

I used Emerald Shamrocks Ribbon in 7/8″ for my bottom layer. This layer measures 4″.

For the top layer, I used White Solid Grosgrain Ribbon in 7/8″. This layer also measures 4″.

I finished off the bow by lining my clip and tying a flat center with Emerald/White Swiss Dots Ribbon in 3/8″. I used a french barrette for this bow.

Twisted St. Patty's Day Bow - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Here is the side view.

Twisted St. Patty's Day Bow - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Practice is definitely helping! I almost put up the other bow I made last week to show how much I’ve improved, but it’s that bad. I don’t think I want to remember it. 🙂

I have a tutorial for a Shamrock ribbon sculpture coming soon! I’ve made a bunch and I’m just trying to find the perfect technique to put up here. If you have a tutorial for a Shamrock that you love and would like to share, let me know at

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  1. Nancy
    Posted March 3, 2011 at 11:30 pm | Permalink

    These bows turned out super cute!

  2. cindy
    Posted March 14, 2011 at 7:50 am | Permalink

    how do you make the Twisted Boutique Technique i have been wanting to do it so much

    • Shirley
      Posted March 14, 2011 at 10:20 am | Permalink

      Hi Cindy! All of the techniques used on the blog can be found in the Tricks of the Trade Hair Bow Instructions manual. It includes instructions for the Twisted Boutique by hand or with bow maker. The instructions are awesome!

  3. Saundra Selby
    Posted March 9, 2012 at 1:06 pm | Permalink

    It would be helpful if you would let us know the length of the ribbon you use.

  4. Verna
    Posted January 10, 2013 at 12:18 am | Permalink

    I wish I had a person to teach me how to make the twisted bow. It never comes out right! I’ve tried over and over. I asked people on my facebook account if they were willing to show me how. No one offered. And those people I asked upfront said “Sorry No”!!!!

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