How to Make Ribbon Hair Bows

How to Make Ribbon Hair BowsFashion accessories come and go and the hair ribbon is a popular item right now. Knowing how to make ribbon hair bows can be a valuable skill whether you want to create them to sell, to give as gifts or just make them for yourself. The first obvious item on the list of things you will need is ribbon and at the Ribbon Retreat we have plenty of it! Satin ribbon, grosgrain, wired ribbon and ric rac--you will find all of this and more right here. When learning how to make ribbon hair bows, you will find there are some basic techniques. But in the end your own creativity will be your best asset. There really isn't a right or wrong, so make your hair bows as big and showy or as modest and elegant as you want. Use only ribbon or add embellishments like faux jewels and silk flowers. You can attach your ribbon hair bow to a head band or a barrette. It doesn't matter whether you have long hair or short, you can create something for every length of hair. Let your imagination take over and you will amaze yourself at what you can do. Many people are looking for instructions on how to make hair bows, check out our free and paid instructions!

How to Make Ribbon Hair Bows? It's SUPER Easy!

If you've never tried it and don't know how to make ribbon hair bows, fear not! The Ribbon Retreat can provide the instructions as well as the supplies and the tools. Whether you follow along with a CD-ROM or read the instructions from a printed file, you will be making hair bows like a pro in no time at all. But watch out--making ribbon hair bows can be addictive. Once you have made several for yourself you will start outfitting your friends and family. Soon you and everyone you know will have hair bow for every outfit and every occasion.

Tons of Free Ribbon Projects, Hair Bows, and much more