
4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headband

4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy ALMOST 4th of July! I can’t believe it is really right around the corner. It is coming super fast and so are the fireworks, BBQs, parades and all other fun and festive celebrations you can think of! And, with thinking about all of the super fun celebrations that come with this patriotic holiday I wanted to create an accessory that is just as fun as all of the parties and firework goodness you will be enjoying in just a few days!

This fun and crazy project was a blast to make, and if I don’t say so myself…pretty DANG adorable too! I can just picture my sweet little girlee with this super fun Ribbon and Antenna Headband wobbling around all day long! I think all the nieces might just have to have one too! You will be shocked at how easy this is to make and how much fun it is watching it all come together!

Here’s all you need to create this adorable headband…

4th of July Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Plastic Headband
Moonstitch Ribbon
Korker Ribbon Mix
Felt Circles
Notebook Spiral
Hot Glue Gun and Hot Glue
Needle and Thread

Korker Mix Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband Red Moonstitch1
Let’s Get Started…

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Take the notebook spiral from an old, used up notebook. Since school just got out, we had a whole bunch laying around our house.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
CAREFULLY, cut the spiral in half.

To wrap my headband in ribbon, I used one of our incredible YouTube video tutorials. This particular video shows you a few different ways of wrapping ribbon around your headband. I used the method using Moonstitch ribbon because I love the added dimension and personality the white trim gives to the headband. You can view the video below.

Here are a few pictures to show you my ribbon wrapping process.

4th of July Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband3
4th of July Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband4
4th of July Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband5
4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
4th of July Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband7
4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
While you are wrapping the headband, be thinking of where you want to place your antennas. I placed mine at about 11:00 and 1:00 (as if you were looking at a clock). Place a little dab of hot glue on the headband and place your spiral onto the hot glue. Quickly add a little more hot glue and start wrapping your ribbon around your spiral. Pull your ribbon tight so your spiral is nice and secure to your headband.

4th of July Ribbon Explosion Antenna Headband9
Continue wrapping your ribbon around the remainder of the headband adding a couple of dabs of hot glue as you go.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Secure the end of the ribbon to the end of the headband.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Sweet…all done wrapping your headband!

Next we are going to create our Korker Bows to place on top of our antennas. We have multiple written tutorials and even a YouTube video to teach you how to create these fun and fluffy bows. You can find the written tutorials HERE and HERE and the video tutorials HERE and HERE.

Here are a couple pictures of my process as well.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
We are almost done!

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Take your felt circles and cut out 4 squares.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Place some hot glue to the very center of your Korker Bow and add one of the small squares.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Put some hot glue onto another square and place it on the end of one of the antennas. With a little more hot glue placed on the Korker Bow, sandwich the end of the spiral in between the two squares and hold to make sure the Korker Bow is secure. Repeat on the other antenna.

4th of July Korker Ribbon Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
And…admire the cuteness!

4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Wasn’t this such a fun project? I had so much fun creating this patriotic headband and it has been so much fun to see all the kiddos in my house try it one at least once! Haha!

4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headband - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I am pretty sure I am in love with that explosion of ribbon!

There are so many fun, fun and fabulous 4th of July projects. Here are a few of those projects you are sure to love too…

Patriotic Two Color Twisted Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Patriotic Two Color Twisted Bows

Patriotic Ribbon and Tulle Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Patriotic Ribbon and Tulle Wreath

4th of July Rag Ribbon Garland - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
4th of July Rag Ribbon Garland

Have you decorated for the 4th of July yet? What is your favorite decoration you have up?

4th of July Ribbon and Antenna Headbands - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy Creating & Happy Antenna Headbands!
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