
Clothespin Magnets

Clothespin Magnets - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I loved having my Christmas Card Wreath up!   It was a fun way to display my Christmas cards.  It was hard to part with when we put the Christmas decorations away!

It got me thinking how useful clothespins are.  I decided to make some with magnets to stay on my fridge year round.  I made them to match the color scheme of my kitchen.

There are so many fun ways to decorate clothespins!  I used buttons and 3/8″ Solid Grosgrain Ribbon.


Hot Glue Gun
Medium Clothespins
3/8″ Ribbon
Buttons or other Embellishments

This is a great project if you want to do something fast and easy.
For me this was a great way to get back into crafting after all the Christmas craziness.


First Measure the clothespin and cut your ribbon to that length.
Seal each end of the ribbon.
Put hot glue all over the face of the clothespin and put the ribbon on top of the glue.
Use hot glue to attach embellishments of your choice.
Hot glue a magnet to the back of the clothespin.  You could also use a magnet strip if you didn’t want to see the magnet from the front.

So Simple!!

To see some pictures on how to attach the ribbon to the clothespin look at this tutorial Clothespin Wreath for Christmas Cards.

Clothespin Magnets - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

For these clothespin magnets I used  3/8″ Turftan Grosgrain Ribbon and buttons from my Flirtation Button Jar.

Clothespin Magnets - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

For these clothespins I used 3/8″ Apple Green Grosgrain Ribbon and  Retro Haberdashery Buttons.

Clothespin Magnets - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

For these Clothespins I used 3/8″ Cream Grosgrain Ribbon and buttons from my Citrus Button Jar.

Clothespin Magnets - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Clothespins work great to close a bag of chips.

Clothespin Magnets - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Hang pictures, recipes, coupons, grocery lists, and anything else you want!

This is so much cuter than the old magnets I used to have on my fridge.

Decorative magnets and Food clips can be expensive.  I’ve seen them in packages of 4 for 3.00!  And that is for the ugliest most generic clip ever!

The Ribbon Retreat sells 30 Clothespins for 1.99!  That’s less than .7 cents a clothespin!  The amount of ribbon you use for each one is so minimal that even with the embellishments it would likely be less than .20 cents a clothespin when it is finished!

For those of you who sell bows this is something you could offer as well.  Package them up in quantities of four.  I’ve seen them sold for around $6.oo.  That’s quite the profit! 🙂

This would also be a great gift.
No matter who you are you can always find use for (way cute) magnetic clothespins!

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One Comment

  1. bianca zamorano
    Posted July 3, 2013 at 1:41 pm | Permalink

    Ha, looks exactly like my fridge. Awesome! Ribbon adds a really nice texture.

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