For a fun alternative to finger paints, create a unique work of art using fabric and Mod Podge.
My kids absolutely love craft projects,
and I absolutely love seeing them express themselves through their creativity!
Fall Handprint Tree Craft
11″ x 14″ blank canvas
(I used Exclusively Quilters-Green with Envy- Green Dots, Bella Solids-Earth, Moda-Meadow Friends-Girl-Grass Green Flowers & Swirls, Riley Blake-Alphabet Soup-Green Circles, Riley Blake- Happier-Orange Floral, Riley Blake- Lola’s Posies-Yellow Polka Dot, Timeless Treasures-Portobello-Spice Stripe)
Mod Podge (I recommend using Fabric Mod Podge)
Little helping hands
I cut out a little cardboard leaf template and traced it onto my fabric.
You could do this free hand, but I wanted my leaves to be the same size.
I layered my fabric so I could cut three layers at a time.
Then I cut out lots and lots of leaves.
No, I didn’t count them, but you’ll need a “tree’s worth” for each child.
I did those first few steps while my kids were at school,
but you could certainly let your older children help cut out the leaves.
Before starting our project I covered the table with newspaper.
Trust me, it can get messy and the newspaper will make for an easy clean up.
I also got all my supplies ready before gathering up my kiddos.
Everything will go more smoothly if you have things organized beforehand.
Trace your child’s hand onto your brown fabric.
Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to a small section of your canvas.
You could probably just stick the leaves on, but I found it worked better
when I coated the back of the leaves with Mod Podge before smoothing them onto the canvas.
Decide whether you want the leaves in front of or behind your tree.
We thought we wanted the leaves in front, but we changed our minds.
Begin coating your leaves (or tree, depending on what you’ve decided about placement)
with Mod Podge.
Apply leaves to your canvas and paint over them with more Mod Podge.
Smooth out with your fingers as you go.
I showed my kids how to do this and then pretty much just let them go to town
gluing leaves to their canvas.
When they finished gluing their leaves, I applied another coat of Mod Podge
over the entire canvas and smoothed it all out.
The Mod Podge is white, but it will dry clear.
I’m disappointed that some of the leaves and tree bubbled.
I know it would have turned out better if I’d used Fabric Mod Podge.
I was all out so I used the original.
Other than that, I love the way their handprint trees turned out!
Here are their masterpieces proudly displayed on the wall.
I look forward to hanging their Handprint Trees on the wall for years to come!
That is very very cute! What a fun craft for the kids!!
That is an awesome idea, so cute!!!
Super cute!!! I need to do this with my kids!
I love this idea, it is exactly what the doctor ordered. My kids do so much better when I have crafts for them to do!
Do you have a similar Christmas idea? I want to do the tree with them and then a Christmas one. Thanks for the great suggestion!
I’m thrilled that you all like this craft so much!
Dana, after hanging the handprint trees up on my wall it occurred to me that it would be really cute to add the tree part and switch the leaves for the seasons using Velcro or something. You know, with spring flowers or green leaves for spring, apples for summer, fall leaves for fall,and snowflakes for winter.
I’ve also seen some really cute Christmas trees with upside down handprints.
I love handprint crafts! I love to see what you girls come up with! 🙂
What a wonderful idea!!! Thank you!
This is so cute!! I love things I can do with my girls… and Fall stuff:) Now to get busy cutting out leaves before they get home from school..:D
Thanks Cutie Pie! You’d better get crackin’! You’ll need a lot of leaves! 🙂
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