
Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I’m still pluggin’ away on my bedroom makeover.  I am making progress little by little.
I made a couple Button Frames a while ago.  (Click on the link if you missed it).
I’m so glad I finally got them up!
I also framed some fabric from the Sanctuary line by Michael Miller.
I had to put a few pictures of our family in there too! 🙂

Hot Glue Gun
Safety Pins

You can go about framing fabric many ways.

You could glue the fabric to the glass and put the frame back together as normal.
You could cut the fabric the size the picture would be and have the fabric seen behind the glass.

There are probably a lot more ways, but here is the way I did it…

I didn’t have all the parts to my frames so I was limited in options.
Some were missing the glass, and some the back.

First I cut my fabric to a little bigger than the frame.

I put hot glue on the edge of the frame closest to the center opening.
If you put the glue on the outer edge it will be hard to cut off the excess fabric.
Make sure the right side of the fabric will be seen through the opening.

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Glue all 4 sides down making sure it is nice and taut.
Trim the excess fabric.

Glue a safety pin or pop can tab to the frame so you can hang it up.
I like to use the pop can tabs the best, but safety pins seem to always be on hand.

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I glued fabric to 3 little circle frames. I like that they add a great pop of color and texture without using a ton of fabric.

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I cut out a couple flowers from the Seafoam Dahlia Lama fabric and appliqued them to Seafoam Seaweed Wrap fabric.
If you need to learn How to Applique click the link.

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Here is a frame with Seafoam Aromatherapy fabric glued to it.
One of my favorite fabrics!

Now it’s time to hang them all up!

I played around with different ways to arrange the frames on the floor until I found an arrangement I liked.

I cut paper towels to the shape of all my frames.

Why paper towels?

They are cheaper than computer paper and I will still be able to use most of them after they’ve been cut.

Plus I just love to be different! LOL

I pinned them on the wall with sewing pins so I didn’t make big holes in my wall.

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Then I put up the actual frames.

Framed Fabric & How to Make a Wall Collage - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Here is a side view with the curtains in the shot.
Learn how to make those Super Easy Curtains by clicking on the link.

Having this wall collage done makes me excited to finish up the rest of the room! I’m getting SO close!

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  1. Laura K
    Posted October 7, 2011 at 3:57 pm | Permalink

    What a neat idea! I just have to ask what Temple that is in the picture? I love the look. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Sherrie Pridemore
    Posted October 7, 2011 at 5:06 pm | Permalink

    Looks great. Didn’t you do a tutorial earlier on the button covered picture frames, that is what I’m seeing on the finished wall right? You give me great ideas. I take time to look at your blog every day.

  3. Cherie
    Posted October 7, 2011 at 8:42 pm | Permalink

    The Temple is Idaho Falls. I did do a tutorial on those button frames. The link is on the post if you’d like to refresh your memory! Thanks girls!

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