
Halloween Ribbon Wreaths

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Wreaths are some of my absolute favorite things to decorate my house with, both inside and out! I have them for the different seasons and holidays and some fun everyday ones too! They can be so fun and so festive! So with Halloween coming up, I wanted to make sure that all of the trick or treaters that will soon be knock, knock, knocking at my door will have a festive wreath to greet them…because I just know they will all notice the adorable ribbon I used as they patiently wait for me to grab my treat bowl and open the door! Haha! Maybe their parents will notice anyway…right?!?

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I love all of the Halloween ribbon at The Ribbon Retreat so I had a reeeally hard time picking just a couple to feature on my wreath…so, what is a girl to do???? Of course, make two! Brilliance at it’s best and the dilemma of trying to pick one ribbon over the over solved! Both of these wreaths are so easy to make and use the exact same technique to create…wrap, wrap and wrap some more! I made the main focus of my first wreath the ribbon with a main player being the fun and funky flowers on the second one! Mix and match ribbons, flowers, buttons, resins, gems, etc. to get a look all your own!

Halloween Supplies
All you need to complete these fun wreaths is your favorite ribbon, flowers, wreath forms and Halloween decor (found at your local craft store….so fun and sparkly right?!? The glittery decor I used was definitely love at first sight and knew I had to have them the second my eye spotted them!)

You are going to love making these super easy but super adorable wreaths! Let’s get started!

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Fun right?!? Let’s try the second wreath now!

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Taaaa-Daaa! All done! What do you think? Did you make yours look like mine or did you try something totally different? I would love to see your creation, because did you know that I LOVE to feature our reader’s projects? That’s you!!! So…make sure to snap a picture of your gorgeous wreath and send it on over…you never know…you could be my next FAB Creations by You feature! Ok…get going and send me those pics!

These wreaths are so easy and fun to make and with the wide selection of ribbon, flowers, etc. at The Ribbon Retreat, your wreath(s) will be one of a kind and incredibly FABULOUS!!!

Do you also love to decorate with wreaths? Check out these other fabulous wreaths that are fun to hang but even funner to make!

Fall Fabric Rag Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Nautical Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Holiday Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
What is your favorite crafty item to make wreaths out of? Leave me a comment below….I would love to hear all of your ideas!

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy Creating & Happy Halloween Wreaths!
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  1. Martha
    Posted September 19, 2014 at 3:38 pm | Permalink

    Nice job, Michelle! I love all your wreath ideas! The Halloween wreaths are WAY cute!!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted September 22, 2014 at 8:40 am | Permalink

      Hi Martha! Thank you so much! These wreaths were so much fun to make! I am so glad that you like them! Have a great day! Michelle 🙂

  2. Pat C.
    Posted September 23, 2014 at 11:24 am | Permalink

    Adorable, Michelle! Thanks for showing us ways to incorporate store-bought decor and different bow styles into wreath designs. I love orange at Halloween, so that one is my favorite, but the white, green, and purple one is extra-cute, too.: ) xoxo

  3. The Ribbon Retreat
    Posted October 8, 2014 at 12:24 pm | Permalink

    Awww….thank you so much for featuring my Halloween Ribbon Wreath in your Autumn Sewing Projects post. All of the projects are awesome and so perfect the lovely Fall season! Have a great day and thank you again! Michelle 🙂

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