
Halloween Stacked Korker Bow

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogHello, Brynde again from The Ribbon Retreat. Today I will be showing you a Stacked Korker Bow perfect for Halloween!

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogThe supplies I used are listed below. The Ribbon Retreat carries everything needed to make this fun, Stacked Bow!

1 1/2” Bewitched
5/8” Offray-Royal Orchid
3/8” Lypple Korker Ribbon
3/8” Offray-Royal Orchid Korker Ribbon
3/8” Orange Swiss Dot Korker Ribbon

Other Supplies:
Hair Clip
Hi-Temp Hot Glue Gun
Stiffen Stuff (optional)

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogI made a single layer Flower Loop Bow out of 5/8” Royal Orchid Grosgrain. I measured three pieces at 7 1/4” to make an approximate 3.5” finished bow. I sealed all ribbon ends with my lighter and stacked them on top of each other.

1. Fold your ribbon stack in half and take a needle up through the center. Don’t go all the way through.
2. Spread your ribbons out in a “star”. Start bringing pieces back up on the needle to create your loops.
3. Finish looping all pieces around the “star”. Then take a couple of stitches up and down to secure.

If you need more help with this bow, you can refer back to The Ribbon Retreat’s Flower Loop Hair Bow Instructions.

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The RIbbon Retreat BlogThen I made a Korker Bow using The Ribbon Retreat’s premade Korker ribbon. It’s such a time saver! I cut my Korker pieces at 5 “loops”, four pieces each of Orange Swiss and Lypple. Seal all ribbon ends with a lighter. (Pictured in my supplies is Royal Orchid. I decided against using it in the final bow.)

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The RIbbon Retreat BlogKeeping the Korker ribbons on the needle, I slid them on in an alternating pattern. Once all the pieces are on your needle, you can take your needle all the way through and stitch up and down a couple times to secure.

If you need more help with this bow, I used method 3 in The Ribbon Retreat’s Korker Hair Bow Instructions.

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogI made a “no-tail” Pinwheel Bow by attaching two Bow Tie Bows side by side. I cut my two ribbon pieces at 8 1/4” for an approximate 4” finished bow. Then, I wrapped the center with 3/8” Royal Orchid ribbon. (You could also use a classic Pinwheel Bow.)

Now you should have 3 separate bows that we are going to stack together!

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogGlue the Flower Loop Bow on top of the Pinwheel Bow.

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogThen glue the Korker Bow on top of the Flower Loop Bow.

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogLine your desired hair clip and attach to the back of the bow. At this point, I recommend spraying your finished bow with Stiffen Stuff. I like those little Korker pieces to stay in place!

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogOur Stacked Korker Bow is finished! I think it’s such a fun twist for a hair bow. It’s fun to stack different types of bows into one big bow and see what you get!

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat BlogThis bow is perfect for Halloween! There are endless ribbon combinations to play with. Make some for all occasions!

Happy bow making!

Until next time,

Thank you Brynde, for once again showing us how to create another brilliant bow. These bows are shown here in happy Halloween ribbon, but they would also look fantastic in any ribbon combinations. You could create one of these bows for every season, holiday, or special event. Thank you again Brynde!
You are an incredibly talented lady, and I LOVE having you here!

Like Brynde said, all of the supplies she used today can be found at The Ribbon Retreat. Want to see all of the gorgeous and FABulous ribbon you have to choose from? Come and visit our ribbon page that is overflowing with every type of ribbon from grosgrain to moonstich to wired and lace. You will be completely inspired, and by just visiting this page, your creative juices will begin to flow!

Happy Creating & Happy Bows!
Signature - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

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  1. Martha
    Posted October 23, 2013 at 9:48 am | Permalink

    Brynde, you’ve done it again. Your bows are SO pretty and perky!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted October 23, 2013 at 12:28 pm | Permalink

      Brynde is definitely amazing! Thank you Martha! Michelle 🙂

  2. MABEL
    Posted October 23, 2013 at 6:21 pm | Permalink

    beautiful from colombia mabelita

  3. MABEL
    Posted October 23, 2013 at 6:21 pm | Permalink

    beautiful , bello from colombia mabelita

  4. Kyleigh Meza
    Posted March 7, 2015 at 4:47 pm | Permalink

    This bow would look great for all of the little girls during the Halloween time!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted March 9, 2015 at 4:28 pm | Permalink

      Hi Kyleigh! Thank you so much! Aren’t these bows so fun and festive?!? I am so glad you like them! Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

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