I am sure you are all very familiar with the gorgeous bow I am sharing today, because it is the first bow found on our TOTT Hair Bow Instructions. This fun bow is found on our amazing YouTube Channel and in PDF form too, but today I am so excited to share this stunning hair bow right here on our blog as well. Now, you will be able to find this great bow (and very soon all of the other TOTT Hair Bows) in all three fabulous locations! How awesome is that?!?
These bows are so much fun to make, easy and will have your little gal covered in beeeeautiful hair accessories in no time! All of our TOTT Bows can be found in PDF form HERE and most of the bows on our YouTube Channel HERE! Now, you can learn how to make these incredible professional looking bows in 3 fabulous ways right at your fingertips! I LOVE it!
Let’s get started!
Supplies needed for the Basic Boutique Hair Bow:
The Ribbon Retreat Hair Bow Maker
-I used 1 1/2″ Grosgrain Ribbon
Barrettes & Clips
Cutting Mat
Hi-Temp Glue Gun
Glue Sticks
Needle & Thread
Lighter (for sealing ribbon ends)
Before we get making this fun bow, let’s talk about some basic bow making rules or better yet…tips to help you achieve gorgeous and professional looking hair bows!
Hair Bow Making Tips
When making Hair Bows, it is best to use the right size of ribbon for the right size of hair bow. For example, using a 3/8” ribbon to make a 5” bow, may not work well.
The following is to give you a general idea of what size ribbon works best for what size bow.
Using The Hair Bow Maker
There are two lines on the Hair Bow Maker. The longer line is the center line. The second, shorter line is the ½” line. When you have the Hair Bow Maker in front of you, this line should be to the RIGHT of the center line. The first set of holes from the center of the bow maker will make a 2” bow. Move each dowel over one and you will have a 3” bow. Move each dowel over and you will have a 4” bow, etc.
The bow maker will make bows over 6 inches in width. If you want to make a 2 ½”, 3 ½”, 4 ½”, or 5 ½” bow, then the dowel on the right needs to be moved ½” to the right. For example, if you want a 3 ½” bow, then place the left dowel in the 2nd hole and the right dowel in the 3rd hole. You would use the ½” line as the Center Point for this bow.
This formula is a recommendation only. If you find that you don’t have enough, or too much ribbon, make adjustments to the numbers below.
(Width of Bow) x (# of Loops + 2.5) ***The extra 2.5 is for allowances.
Example: For a 4” four-loop bow, your formula would be: 4 x (4 + 2.5) = 26” Ribbon
Now that we have a couple of tips, our ribbon length figured out, let’s get started! This Basic Boutique Bow will be demonstrated on the 4” setting of the Hair Bow Maker using 1 ½” Solid Grosgrain Ribbon. Have a needle and thread ready (with a knot at the end of the thread).
*Please note that my right hand is never used/seen in the pictures below, because I am holding the camera with that hand so the wording in the instructions is sometimes a little different from what my left hand is doing in the pictures.
How To Make A Basic Boutique Hair Bow
1. Place the ribbon in front of the dowels at an angle as shown. You need to leave approximately 2” of excess ribbon at the right.
2. With your RIGHT hand’s thumb and first finger holding the ribbon at the right and your LEFT hand holding the ribbon at the left, take your LEFT hand and take the ribbon BEHIND the two dowels.
3. Continuing with the LEFT hand, bring the ribbon in FRONT of the two dowels and angle it downward, as shown.
4. Bring the ribbon straight across the BACK with your LEFT hand. This view is a BACK view. While continuing to hold the ribbon with your RIGHT hand, take the THIRD FINGER of your RIGHT hand and grab the ribbon that was just brought around the back. Let go of the ribbon with your LEFT hand.
5. Bring your LEFT hand to the front and grab the ribbon that is currently being held by the RIGHT hand third finger. Bring the ribbon forward, angling it upwards, as shown. Hold the ribbon secure to the dowel with your left hand as shown.
6. Let go of the ribbon that is being held with your RIGHT hand. Take your RIGHT hand behind the dowels and pull the loose ribbon you were just holding through to the back (this will be one of the tails).
7.Sometimes your X form can become a little “scrunched” together. You can use your thumbs and fingers (while still keeping a firm hold on the dowels) to widen the X. This may take a little practice, but you’ll be a pro in no time!
8. With your LEFT hand holding the ribbon together in the center, grab your needle and thread with your RIGHT hand. With the needle at the back of the bow, bring it through the middle of the X form as shown.
9. To make sure you have the center point, point your needle downwards so that you can check it with the center line of the bow maker. Once the center point has been reached, pull the needle and thread through until the knot stops at the back.
10. Take the needle over the top and then under the bottom, as shown.
11. Let go of the thread and with your RIGHT hand, turn the top ribbon slightly forward as shown and with your LEFT hand first finger, hold it in place.
12. Grab the thread again with your RIGHT hand and pull UP (tugging gently).
13. Remove the bow from the bow maker by pulling it straight up and off the dowels. Bring the thread around the center of the bow one more time and tug gently. Don’t tug too hard, because you’ll need to shape your bow a little more before tightening it permanently.
14. With your LEFT hand holding the center of the bow tight, take your RIGHT hand and spread out the loops as much as possible. Once the loops are spread out, tighten the thread. Continue taking the thread around the center (tightening each time) until there is no more “give”.
15. Take up a few stitches at the back of the bow and then cut the thread.
16. Trim the tails and seal the ends. Use your fingers to fluff up the loops. You can either leave this as a simple boutique bow by adding a knotted or flat center and a clip to the back–or embellish and enhance as desired.
The Basic Boutique Hair Bow looks amazing in any color, design or print of ribbon. Make multiple bows using these easy to follow directions with all of your favorite ribbon colors or designs! They will all look incredible and the possibilities are endless!
I love to make hair bows for my little gal. She sure doesn’t love wearing them much, but I LOVE to make them for her and the idea of her wearing them! Hehe! Here are a few more adorable hair bows you are sure to love that are easy to make and look beautiful attached to a clip or a headband!
The Ribbon Retreat has a wonderful selection of ribbon for all of your bow making needs! You can choose from the bold and bright or soft and subtle colors, polka dots, stripes, chevron, flowers, spaceships and so SO much more! Make sure to visit our ribbon selection today!