
New Mousepad

When my computer crashed last year, I inherited my husband’s laptop. Along with his laptop came the ugliest mouse pad.

I guess the one I used with my old computer wasn’t that much better,
a cat calendar from 2006. 🙂

I have lived with this mouse pad for about a year and as I was cleaning my desk yesterday, I decided I needed to do something with it. It was really affecting the personality of my desk!

I searched through my scraps and found the perfect coordinating fabric left over from my Embroidery Hoops project. It is Green Tone On Tone Floral in Just Dreamy (which is on clearance!)

This ugly mouse pad was falling apart. I tried to take off the top part, but after a minute and not being that much farther than when I started, I just cut it off.

Then I cut out my fabric and hot glued it along the back. The glue is kind of weird on the mouse pad material, so I had to glue it little by little.

All done! I love projects that only take 10 minutes! 🙂

New Mousepad - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

And I just wanted to share the gorgeous view out my craft room window. My craft table sits directly below this view, and I am shocked by how beautiful it is everyday.

My desk is MUCH happier now! I think my mouse is too. 🙂

New Mousepad - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

New Mousepad - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

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  1. Posted November 11, 2010 at 9:55 am | Permalink

    great! love the idea! thanks!

  2. Posted November 28, 2010 at 8:10 am | Permalink

    Love your blog and store! Thanks for sharing the fabulous idea! I was looking at my mousepad and thinking that it was getting pretty grungy… I’m off to look for fabric!

  3. Tammy C
    Posted December 10, 2010 at 5:25 pm | Permalink

    I love this idea and will work on this tonight … i needed a new project thank you .

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