
Quilt Along on Mommy by Day Crafter by Night

Quilt Along Button - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Have you been wanting to make a quilt and just haven’t yet? Well now is the time!

Even if you are seasoned in making quilts or only have made a few,
you will love this Quilt Along over at Mommy by Day Crafter by Night.

This Quilt Along is a series that goes over choosing the fabric, cutting, piecing, quilting, and binding.

The fabrics used in the quilt tutorial is from none other than The Ribbon Retreat! 🙂 We have such a great selection of fabric so make sure to check it out when you’re choosing your fabrics for the Quilt Along.

The fabric used in this quilt is from Oops a Daisy for Moda. It is on clearance right now if you want to check it out.

Quilt Alongs are so much fun and the end result is a beautiful quilt, perfect for snuggling.

Head on over to Mommy by Day Crafter by night and get started!

Have a great day!

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