Welcome to YouTube Thursday!
It is sometimes said that “diamonds are a girls best friend,” but I think it is also just as fitting to say that ruffles are a girls best friend…wouldn’t you agree? Maybe they aren’t your best friend, but I bet your little sweetheart would say that she is sure fond of ruffles. And today, she is really going to LOVE ruffles because our video tutorial is all about ruffly ribbon. I can hardly wait for you to see this fun video and how taking a simple piece of ribbon and putting a great big stitch down one side of it can turn that piece of ribbon into an adorable ruffle. Then, with a simple roll of the ruffled ribbon, you get a full and fabulous flower. It’s as easy as that and could quite possible become your brand new best friend!
Are you ready to make one or two, or possibly a dozen? Let’s get started.
Supplies needed:
7/8″ Ribbon (about 2 yards)
Sewing Machine (ruffler foot optional)
Felt Circle
Gem for center (optional)
Hot Glue Gun
Enjoy learning how to make a Ruffle Ribbon Flower!
What do you think about ruffles now? Do you have a new bestie? Hehe!
Aren’t those such fun little flowers? I love everything about them! I love how full they are, how ruffly they are, how you can choose how high they stick off of your clip or headband, AND I LOVE that you can make them into a hair accessory or a fabulous little embellishment for your favorite bag, jacket, scarf, or even a trendy bracelet! However you choose to wear these little beauties, they will be eye catching and something all are going to want!
Video tutorials are some of my favorite tools to use to learn how to create incredible and professional looking hair accessories. I so appreciate the option of starting and stopping the video as many times as necessary until I have the technique down perfectly! Shirley always does such a wonderful job providing clear and concise instructions that are easy and fun to follow! The Ribbon Retreat YouTube Channel is bursting at the seams with excellent video tutorials just like today’s video that you are sure to fall in love with. If you haven’t checked out our channel before, you can find it and ALL of our bow-tiful videos right HERE in one convenient location! Here is a quick sneak peek of a few of the great videos you will find on our channel…
Thank you for joining us for another fun filled YouTube Thursday! We have an absolute blast every Thursday crafting video style and can’t wait to see you back here next week for another innovative and fabulous video tutorial.
But, don’t forget to come and party with us the rest of the week where we are constantly sharing brand new, creative and ribbon-rific tutorials. It is all parties and fun here and you are always the guest of honor! See you tomorrow!
Yep, we’re definitely talking new bestie! What a fun addition this will be to my entire repertoire of two bows–the flower loop bow and the ribbon circle bow/flower–which will start out the same way as the ruffle ribbon flower; I’ll jut have to use a longer piece of ribbon and roll it, instead of connecting the two ends of a smaller piece of gathered ribbon to each other and keeping the resulting circle flat.
This gorgeous flower would also work as an adorable brooch… how about with ribbon in Lucky Shamrock (https://www.theribbonretreat.com/Ribbon/lucky-shamrock.aspx)? A dressier version could be done in satin ribbon… perhaps in Mint (https://www.theribbonretreat.com/Ribbon/trrst-patricks-day.aspx), with a Gemma gem in Emerald (https://www.theribbonretreat.com/Ribbon/gemma.aspx), or a sequin bow in Emerald (https://www.theribbonretreat.com/Ribbon/sequin-bows.aspx.
Told you I was loving this flower!!! hahaha!! (I’m sorry if I jabbered on too long and boringly.)
P.S. I’m also loving the ever-evolving new look for the blog!!
Hi Pat! Yay…love new besties! Hehe! You are so awesome Pat…I love your comments and don’t ever worry about “jabbering” too long! Have a wonderful day and thank you for your fun comments! Michelle 🙂