I Love the look of the korker bow and thought it would be fun to do a straight version!
To make this spunky little pom pom you will need:
- Lighter or woodburner pen
- Scissors or rotary cutter
First things first, pick yourself out some way cute ribbon and ric rac! I made this pom pom to match fabric I have that will soon be ruffle butt bloomers. 🙂
Cut at least 21 pieces of your ribbon and ric rac to 3″. Cut the ribbon at an angle.
Seal with your preferred method.
Here is my ribbon after it had been cut and sealed. I actually made two pom poms. My daughter has enough hair for pig tails now and I am LOVING it! 🙂
Thread your needle, double it up and tie it in a knot.
Take one of your pieces of ribbon and fold it in the center to form a “V” shape.
Take your needle through the fold of the ribbon.
Attatch the folded ribbon to your felt circle. Sew through the felt circle then back up through the ribbon. You can do this a couple times to get it to stand up a bit more.
In the picture above I am taking the needle back through the felt circle, (this must have been bow # 2, sorry for the confusion).
When attaching the ribbon to the felt circle be sure to go through both sides of the fold. As shown in the picture above.
Your felt circle is starting to get crowded. Use up every spare space. After there is no more room on your felt circle layer the ribbon on top of each other.
When you have finished attaching all your ribbon and ric rac, take a few stitches through the felt circle and tie a knot.
After attaching so many pieces of ribbon your felt circle will look a bit crazy. To hide all your stitching hot glue another felt circle over the top.
That looks better! 🙂
Cut a piece of 3/8″ ribbon to 4 1/2 ” and line your clip
Hot glue the pom pom to your clip.
Don’t worry if your pom pom is not standing up as straight as you’d like. Stiffen Stuff will solve all your problems! You drench that pom pom with Stiffen Stuff! When I say drench I mean drench! If you have ever watched Anne of Green Gables the Sequel, I am saying that like the old lady, Mrs. Harris. LOL! If you have never seen that movie you’re missing out!
After you have applied your Stiffen Stuff, shape the pom pom by pulling the ribbons to where you want them to be. Clip your pom pom to a piece of ribbon and hang upside down.
I let mine dry over night. It should take at least a few hours if it is pretty wet.
So CUTE! If I do say so myself! LOL. Make one (or two) for your little girl and she will be sure to turn heads!
so super cute. I love it. My daughter BARELY has enough for ponies but you better believe I’ll be throwing some of things in her hair…i hope to do a tutorial on those bloomers you mentioned!
Hi Marie Rose! I am doing a tutorial on those bloomers! Stay tuned! 🙂
Crazy cute! Gotta make some! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I’m trying one of these for the first time and my ribbon is not standing up, it’s laying flat. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help in advance.
After you have attached the ribbon, if it is not standing up the way you want it, hold the ribbon in place where you want it to be and take the needle through the ribbon and felt circle and back up. That will help it to be secure where you want it and stick up a bit more. What really makes the ribbon stand up though is the Stiffen Stuff. Did it still not work after the Stiffen Stuff? If you don’t have any you could also use spray starch, it works almost as good. I hope this helps. Let me know if you still need help with anything 🙂
Just love making these bows. So many choices of Ribbons!!!
How big are the circles to be?
I used the pre-cut felt circles available at The Ribbon Retreat. They are 1″.
Ah-Ha!!! Now I know why mine was not standing up. Thanks for the info!!!!!
Thank you for the information this grandma can’t wait to make one for my grandbaby.
I really like the ideas you have. Just wish I had found them when my girls were growing up. I will now use the ideas for my great grand daughters.
OMG Cherie! I totally know what you’re talking about with the Mrs. Harris thing! I would say it but I can’t roll my R’s….lol. Love it!
Thank you so much for this tutorial! I love seeing new ideas.
Love this tutorial! So many out there are so confusing. Can’t wait to make some! I’m gonna make little ones to huge ones. Love it, love it! Thank you for putting this together and sharing with us.
love your work!
It would help a LOT if you could give an idea of how large to cut the felt circle (how many inches in diameter); even a rough estimate would help. I am having some difficulty with figuring out how large to cut the circle. Thanks.
Hi Trina! The link for two felt circles has changed since this post was published which is why you couldn’t find the size. We sell felt circles, and I can’t remember which was used, but the two sizes are 1 1/4″ and 1 3/4″. I “think” it was the larger size. Here is the link http://www.theribbonretreat.com/Catalog/felt-circles.aspx. Hopefully this helps! – Shirley 🙂