
Suspender Onesie

Suspender Onesie - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I have a friend who just had a baby boy!  I was so excited to give her something handmade.  If you put your mind to it there are MANY fun things to craft for boys

 I have 2 boys and I love it! 

I have to admit I love to go to Etsy for inspiration.  I have seen little suspender onesies that are SO cute!  What a fun thing to put on your baby boy!  I like that I was able to make something that will be totally unique.  I also like the fact that suspender onesies are not seen as much as the applique tie onesie.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a baby boy in a cute tie, this is just a fun way to mix it up! 🙂 

You could even add a little bow-tie!  That would look awesome!!

My friend’s husband is in the military and I thought it would be cute to add some 7/8″ Digital Camo Ribbon.  I put a strip of 3/8″ Blue Solid Grosgrain Ribbon down the center of the camo ribbon to match the blue onesie. 

I did this all by using 17″ HeatnBond Ultrahold!
This is a NO SEW project!

Well, other than the buttons. 🙂


Pre-washed onesie
7/8″ Ribbon
3/8″ Ribbon (optional)

For this project make sure you use a onesie that has the shoulder flaps.  Is there more scientific terminology for those?  Hmm for now we’ll go with shoulder flaps. 🙂  Whatever they are called, the ribbon (aka suspenders) are going to go under them. 

Measure starting at the top seam of the onesie (under the flap) to where you want the suspender to stop.  My suspender was 10″.

Use the vanishing marker to mark each side of the onesie where the ribbon will end. This will make sure one ribbon isn’t longer than the other.

Cut your ribbon to 10″ or desired length.

Pin the ribbon to the HeatnBond Ultrahold and cut it leaving no excess.

Cut a piece of HeatnBond for each ribbon.
In the picture above I’ve pinned my 3/8″ ribbon to my HeatnBond and I’m about to cut it.

The HeatnBond has a bumpy side and a paper side.
Put the bumpy side on the ribbon and iron the paper side.

Now my ribbon has a paper back.

Peel the paper off the ribbon and it is ready to be ironed on to either another ribbon or to the onesie.

Iron the HeatnBond to all your ribbon pieces. 

* If you are going to layer ribbons

  1.  Iron the HeatnBond to the bigger ribbon (Leave the paper on).
  2. Iron your smaller ribbon to the center of the bigger ribbon.
  3. Iron bonded ribbon to the onesie.

In the picture above I am ironing my 3/8″ ribbon to my 7/8″ ribbon. I have ironed HeatnBond to both pieces of ribbon. The 3/8″ ribbon’s paper has been peeled off. The 7/8″ paper is still on.

Now to iron the ribbon to the onesie. 

Take the paper off the back of the ribbon.

Put one end of the ribbon right next to the top seam of the onesie. (Do both sides).

To make sure the straps are the same distance from the the edge of the onesie, I put both pieces of ribbon right next to the brown neck lining.

Iron it down.

Sew the button onto the the onesie.
I used two brown buttons from my Flirtation Button Jar.
Oh how I LOVE my button jars!! 

Going through the ironed on ribbon will make it very secure.
It is a bit tough to get through, so you may want to use a thimble.

After you have gone through a few times, take a stitch or two and tie the thread in a knot.


If you have a little boy make one… or 10 for him! If not, make a few to have on hand for gifts. Such an inexpensive yet thoughtful gift. At least I think so! 🙂

Suspender Onesie - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I wish I could show you the cute baby boy wearing this. It is still a little too big for him. Dang!


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  1. Trish Lasslett
    Posted June 17, 2011 at 10:01 am | Permalink

    Love that fabric, hope i win it…..

  2. Brittany
    Posted June 18, 2011 at 9:34 pm | Permalink


  3. Claudia
    Posted June 19, 2011 at 8:14 pm | Permalink

    That is the cutest thing I’ve seen for a boy in a long time. I just had a new nephew. Can’t wait to make him one.

  4. KC
    Posted February 26, 2012 at 10:52 pm | Permalink

    Very cute, but the buttons are concerning. A baby could pull them off and swallow them!!!!

    • Shirley
      Posted February 27, 2012 at 10:35 am | Permalink

      Kae, thank you for your concern. 🙂

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