
Two-Toned Cheer Bow

Did you know that I have a special place in my heart for big cheer bows? It is true! I was a cheerleader for a looooong time and big bows just like this one were a big part of my life. Those were the days of short skirts, high kicks, and lots of cheers for my favorite team! Go, fight, WIN! Today, the talented Cherie is sharing a Halloween version of an adorable and very spirited Cheer Bow. This bow is perfect for showing your team spirit, holiday spirit or to accessorize your favorite outfit with! Enjoy!

I’m going to show you a very simple way to make a two-toned bow!  
The bow pictured is a 5″ bow made with 1 1/2″ ribbon.

Multi Colored Ribbon Button

For this bow you need:

    Two colors of 1 1/2″ Ribbon
    Upholstery Thread and Needle
    Glue Gun
    3/8″ Ribbon for center
    Single Prong Clip

Cut both colors of 1 1/2″ ribbon to 13″ and fold it in half.

Take one ribbon (still folded in half) and fold it vertically.  Cut the ribbon at a slant.   You should be cutting through both layers of the ribbon.

Cut your other ribbon the same way and seal the ends with a lighter.

Make an x with the two ribbons and secure with a single prong clip if you want to.

Stitch in and out through the center of the bow.

Wrap the thread around the bow and pull tight.

Put a dot of glue on the back of the bow and cover the thread with your 3/8″ ribbon.

This is what your bow will look like!  It doesn’t take long at all and it’s super cute!

This is a really fun bow for a high pony tail.

Now to mix it up!  You can layer 3/8″, 7/8″ and 1 1/2″ ribbon for a bow with more spunk!  Use the same technique with the layered ribbon.

I love all the spikes at the bottom!

Now make one for Christmas and for school in your team colors!

Let’s give a great big Rah, Rah Reeee for this adorable bow full of spirit and school or holiday pride! Thank you Cherie for sharing this fun bow! I love how easy this bow is to make and how stunning it looks with two contrasting colors or ribbons stacked for a little added dimension.

We like big bows and we cannot lie…so here are a couple more big bows that are full of spirit and something to cheer really, really loud for!

Ribbon and Ric Rac Funky Loops Bow {A-Z Series, "R"} - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Halloween Stacked Korker Bow - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

How to Make Bows "Twisted Boutique" "Pinwheel" "Surround Loops" and how to stack them! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}
What is your favorite type of bow? Big ones, dainty ones or simple and small?

Two-Toned Cheer Bow - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy Creating & Happy Cheer Bows!
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  1. Posted September 26, 2014 at 7:13 am | Permalink

    So simple but so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted September 27, 2014 at 6:22 am | Permalink

      Hi Debbie! Thank you so much! Isn’t this bow awesome?!? I also love the simplicity of this bow. The contrasting colors are stunning and so eye catching and the stacked looked is so much fun and a great way to add a little dimension and flair! Have a wonderful day Debbie and thank you again so much for your comment! Michelle 🙂

  2. Joyce Harwell
    Posted September 26, 2014 at 3:53 pm | Permalink

    I love this. Instruction are great on ribbons. I was wondering how to make a two tone cheer leading bow. I love it

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted September 27, 2014 at 6:26 am | Permalink

      Hi Joyce! AWESOME! Thank you so much for your comment! I am so glad that you love this tutorial…isn’t this bow so cute and EASY?!? Have a wonderful day Joyce and thank you again!! Michelle 🙂

  3. Sue
    Posted October 1, 2014 at 8:54 am | Permalink

    How do you attach it to the hair? I didn’t see a elastic or clip. Did I miss that part? Love the bow!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted October 1, 2014 at 2:03 pm | Permalink

      Hi Sue! Thank you for your question! You can hot glue a hair clip to the back of the bow, or you could hot glue an elastic band to the back as well and then wrap a ribbon around the bow and elastic. Good luck with your bow and thank you again for your question! Have a great day! Michelle 🙂

  4. Resa
    Posted October 2, 2014 at 4:43 pm | Permalink

    Thank you for sharing, I just love it. I can’t wait to try this.

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted October 3, 2014 at 5:55 am | Permalink

      Hi Resa! Thank you! I love these bows too! They are fun to make and so easy! Have a great time making some of your own! Thank you again and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

  5. Me
    Posted December 15, 2015 at 5:22 pm | Permalink

    I love it good idea!! You really were thinking outside the box with this one!!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted December 24, 2015 at 8:53 am | Permalink

      Thank you! Have a great one! Michelle 🙂

  6. Me
    Posted January 30, 2016 at 3:02 am | Permalink

    Hi! Love this idea to make team bows. Can I ask how long you cut each ribbon before folding it in half to make the bow for the 5” size you made? Truly appreciate it. Will help to see how much I need to buy for 10 girls 🙂

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted February 1, 2016 at 7:28 am | Permalink

      Hi there! Thank you for your question! Cherie cut her ribbon at 13″ and then folded that in half! You could make your cheer bows bigger or smaller by simply altering how long you cut your ribbon. If you want your bows to be about 5-6″ in width when they are done then keep your initial cut at 13″. To make a cheer bow of this exact size for 10 different girls, you would need just under 4 yards of ribbon in each color. Our ribbon come in 5 yards, so you should only need one spool of each ribbon color you choose to use. If you were wanting to make them a little bit larger, I suggest ordering 2 spools of each color. The model in this tutorial is a young girl who is quite petite, so if you would like your bows to be big on your cheerleaders, I would make them larger; therefore, you will need to order at least 2 spools of each color of ribbon. I hope this helps! Have a great day and please let us know if you have further questions. Michelle 🙂

  7. Christy
    Posted September 23, 2018 at 7:08 am | Permalink

    I love this tutorial! Another option I’ve used for the center of the bow and the hair tie is an extra small zip tie. It is great for a strong hold. You would wait to add the center ribbon till the end so you cover the zip tie. I’m going to try the two toned bow this year. Thank you fir Sharon.

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